Minutes of the Meeting held on TUESDAY 5 MARCH 2024 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Fr Peter Raj, Fran Ludden (St John of the Cross), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Clare Glenn (St John of the Cross), Georgiana Rylands (St Helen), Bruce McKenna (St Helen), Ann Gibbs (Sacred Heart), Margaret Burrows (Sacred Heart), (Antonia Martinez (Parish Administrator), Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
1. APOLOGIES: Shinto Devassy (Sacred Heart), John Bolger (Parish Pastoral Assistant), Richard McGreevy (St Helen, Chair)
In the absence of the Chair, Fran Ludden agreed to chair the meeting.
Fr Peter opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 8.50pm.
3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING: on 5 December 2023 were agreed and signed.
a. Parish Hall. It was asked whether the hall would be ready for use by Saturday 9 March for the Parish Retreat. This was confirmed. Teas and coffees would be served during the retreat.
b. Key register. Antonia confirmed that forms had been coming in from key-holders, but there is no way to know if all holders have completed a form. Antonia to put a reminder in the newsletter.
Action – Antonia
DEFIBRILLATORS: Ithad been agreed that one was not required at the Sacred Heart because one was available at the Birchwood Surgery just across the road. The defibrillator at the church of St Helen was now installed. There had been discussions at Aylsham regarding the siting of a defibrillator and it was felt that one was not needed at the church. There was still no Health & Safety rep at St John of the Cross, but Ginny Keane was going to contact Richard McGreevy about becoming H&S rep. Keith reported that the first aid volunteers at St John of the Cross had not yet received training but would ensure they received training when the next session was organised.
Action – St JoC reps
.COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS: Fr Peter said that while Covid was still present in the community, he felt it would be wise to delay the re-introduction of Communion under both kinds. There are a large number of elderly parishioners and it was felt they would not be comfortable receiving Communion under both kinds.
There was no further progress to report. It was hoped to distribute the forms after Easter.
Action – Fr Peter, Antonia
Richard had submitted a report in his absence. A full survey of the Sacred Heart church was required as one had not been carried out for several years. There was the possibility that this would throw up building requirements of significant expense. The presbytery also had a major problem with damp. Antonia remarked that a letter had been received from Anglian Water saying there was a leak in the presbytery. She was going to ask Justin to replace the kitchen tap. At St Helen’s, a new church sign had been erected at the cost of £2,000 and electrical, roof and guttering work had recently been completed which though minor, added up to quite an expense.
Fr Peter’s Silver Anniversary of Ordination (11 May 2024): A meeting was being arranged specifically to discuss celebrations for Fr Peter’s silver anniversary. Fran had spoken to Fr Peter and all three churches would be actively involved. Fr Peter had written to all the previous priests of the parish, inviting them to a 12.00 noon Mass on that day and also hoped that the Bishop would be able to attend. A general meeting of the committee had also been arranged for Monday 8 April where plans for an Autumn Fayre would be developed.
Action – whole PPC
Father Peter expressed his thanks to the Council for the work they carried out on behalf of the parish. He repeated his request to be notified of sick parishioners who needed visiting. He said that he had celebrated Mass at St Michael’s Court Care Home in Aylsham and was to celebrate a house Mass at Coltishall this coming Sunday for a housebound parishioner who was celebrating her 96th birthday. He said that he would like to celebrate Masses for other housebound parishioners. There was to be a Lent Reconciliation service at the Sacred Heart on 23 March at 12.00 noon. This would be advertised in the newsletter and on-line on the parish website.
Action – Antonia, John
St John of the Cross. A Forum was held at the end of January which was attended by 28 people. The Lectio Divina study group was well attended. The new SVP Conference will be open to parishioners from all three churches, once established.
St Helen. A Forum was held on 3 February. The church extension is to be named after St Michael and Fr Peter is exploring the possibility of a formal dedication. A major flood on the Tunstead Road above the church grounds produced a torrent of water which washed away much of the banking soil in the grounds. This is to be surveyed to see if remedial work is required in which case an insurance claim against Anglian Water will be raised.
Sacred Heart. The damp patch on the church ceiling is causing concern as it seems to be growing. The Finance Committee is aware of the problem and the roof had been surveyed. Several bags of sawdust had been deposited in one of the church bins. Three children are being prepared for their First Holy Communion and there are three candidates for Reception into the church at Easter.
a. Safeguarding. Fran reported that she and Fr Peter had had updated training, and she explained the range of vulnerabilities that we should be aware of. Fran is now the only Safeguarding rep in the parish. She had spoken to Rebecca Bretherton, the Safeguarding Administrator at the Diocese and there are a few outstanding checks. New reps will need to be found within the parish. It was agreed that Safeguarding would be included as a regular Agenda item. The posters in the churches with details of reps would need to be updated, as would the on-line parish directory.
Action – Antonia, Cathy
b. Parking at the Sacred Heart church. This was again becoming a problem, with several local residents using the car park – one parishioner arrived for Sunday Mass 20 minutes early and had to park under the trees on the grass. Fr Peter asked whether any parishioner had been unable to attend Mass because of this and was reassured to learn that there were car parks in the town that Mass-goers could use. Cathy also mentioned that the “overflow” parking area under the trees was now very muddy and it was not always possible to retain control of cars when parking. She asked whether consideration could be given to some form of mesh surfacing on the grass. PPC to consider.
Action – whole PPC
c. Parish AGM. A date for this was agreed as Thursday 20 June in the Parish Hall, at 7.00pm. The catering arrangements would be: North Walsham parishioners to provide the main course, St Helen parishioners the desserts and St John of the Cross parishioners to serve tea & coffee and wash up. Antonia agreed to invite a speaker from Friends of the Holy Land. Reports would be given by the Chairs of the PPC and the Finance Committee.
Action – Richard, Antonia, Church reps
Tuesday 4 June, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Church of St Helen, Hoveton
Fr Peter concluded the meeting with a prayer.