PRESENT: Fr Peter Raj, Richard McGreevy (St Helen, Chair), Fran Ludden (St John of the Cross), Keith Copperwheat (St John of the Cross), Clare Glenn (St John of the Cross), Bruce McKenna (St Helen), Ann Gibbs (Sacred Heart), Margaret Burrows (Sacred Heart), (Antonia Martinez (Parish Administrator), Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
- APOLOGIES: Shinto Devassy (Sacred Heart), John Bolger (Parish Pastoral Assistant), Georgiana Rylands (St Helen),
Fr Peter opened the meeting with a prayer.
- It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 8.45pm.
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING: on 5 March were agreed and signed.
a. Key Register. Antonia confirmed that forms had come in from key-holders from all three churches, but there is no way to know if all holders have completed a form. Antonia to put a last reminder in the newsletter.
Action – Antonia
b. Safeguarding. Fran reported that she had almost caught up with the backlog of submissions. DBS checks would be required for St Vincent de Paul volunteers from St John of the Cross. Fran would be undertaking on-line training this week. She reminded the meeting that another representative was required. Fr Peter said that he would approach parishioners.
Action – Fran, Fr Peter
c. Parking at the Sacred Heart car park. This was an on-going problem, but Antonia reported that she had thought of a possible solution. She proposed producing a letter, politely worded, reminding vehicle owners that they are illegally parked and asking if, at least, they could park elsewhere on Saturday evenings/Sunday mornings so that parishioners were able to use the car park for the Sunday Mass.
Action – Antonia
First Aiders. It was not clear who the first aiders were at each of the churches. It was suggested that a notice could be posted on at each of the churches so that they could be identified in an emergency. Richard said that he had a complete list and would let each of the churches know. Keith reported that the first aid volunteers at St John of the Cross had not yet received training but would ensure they received training when the next session was organised.
Action – St JoC reps, Richard
The forms had been printed and were ready for distribution.
Action – Fr Peter, Antonia
This had been arranged for Thursday 20 June at 7.00pm in the parish hall. North Walsham parishioners to provide the main course dishes, Hoveton the desserts and Aylsham to be in charge of teas and coffees and organising the washing up. Reports from the Chairman of the PPC, the Chairman of the Finance Committee and the parish priest. The hall had been booked from 1.00pm onwards. Because of the late hour of the meeting, it was agreed that there would be no guest speaker, and a guest from Friends of the Holy Land would be invited to speak at the parish at a later date.
Action – whole PPC
Richard reported that there were a number of issues in hand which would prove to be of some expense to the parish and prioritisation of these would be decided at the next Finance Committee meeting. Richard or Francis Harmer (Chair of the Finance Committee) would report at the next PPC meeting.
Action – Richard, Francis Harmer
Fr Peter’s Silver Anniversary of Ordination (11 May 2024) was a great success, with all church communities coming together to assist and provide entertainment. Kerry Barrett had some ideas for fundraising which would be publicised in the parish newsletter. The next Social Committee meeting had been arranged for 24 June where these activities as well as ideas for a Christmas Fayre would be discussed. Cathy read out some feedback about the Silver Anniversary celebration which Georgiana had submitted in her absence. Of note were the issue of wheelchair access to the church garden (which unfortunately could prove to be prohibitively costly to remedy) and provision of speakers for the Sacred Heart church narthex. It was agreed that consideration would be given to purchase and installation of wireless speakers in the narthex. Shortage of fridge space in the church hall kitchen was also remarked upon in the feedback, but there was no room for a larger fridge.
Action – Social Committee, Finance Committee
Father Peter expressed his thanks to the Council for the work they carried out on behalf of the parish, and the work that was put into his celebration on 11 May, mentioning in particular, Fran Ludden and Susie Thomson who had done a lot of the arranging behind the scenes. He repeated his request to be notified of sick parishioners who needed visiting, saying that his priority would always be the pastoral care of his parishioners.
Sacred Heart. Parking aside, no issues had been raised. Three children are being prepared for their First Holy Communion. It was agreed that it was time to arrange another forum meeting after Mass on a Sunday. Antonia to prepare an empty agenda to which items could be added. To be placed in the narthex. Fr Peter said that he would be happy to announce a forum once a date had been decided.
Action – Antonia
St John of the Cross. Ginny Keane was now the Health and Safety rep for St John of the Cross. Katie Maidment is to contact Darren at the Diocese about servicing of the PA system and obtain a quote for the supply of screens for the church to display the words of hymns. A window had been broken, the repair of which had been quoted at £1,400. Covered by insurance. Repair of the leaky roof will cost £3,000. The SVP group meet once a month and hope to be ready for requests by the autumn.
St Helen. The major flood on the Tunstead Road above the church grounds will require remedial work and an insurance claim against Anglian Water has been raised. The assessment is in hand.
Cathy had circulated a list of the terms of office of all the reps. Richard and Keith had both completed two terms of office and would therefore need to stand down and be replaced. Ann had completed one term of office and could therefore either stand down or be nominated for a second term. [ Ann later decided that she did not wish to stand for a second term]. Nomination forms were distributed to be placed in each of the churches. A notice to go in the newsletter asking for nominations.
Action – Antonia, all reps
a. Annual fire drills. Are due to be carried out at all churches. Richard reminded the meeting that this was a mandatory requirement.
Action – church reps
b. Reconciliation sheets. Antonia said that a request had been received from Peter Brander, the Treasurer, for these to be returned to the parish office more quickly as he is often left waiting for more than a week. They should be placed in the church box as soon as completed, or scanned and emailed or handed to Fr Peter to bring back to the office. Antonia also asked that more care be taken in completing the forms as there are often errors.
Action – Counters
c. Advent services. Katie Maidment had submitted a request asking that Sacred Heart and St John of the Cross in future share hosting of the Advent services. She said that for 16 years, St John of the Cross had hosted the Advent service and Sacred Heart had hosted the carol service for even longer and she felt it would benefit parishioners if the services could be rotated between the churches. Cathy to discuss with Anne Griffiths, choir leader at the Sacred Heart.
Action – Cathy
Tuesday 3 September, 7.15pm for 7.30 at the Presbytery, Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham
Fr Peter concluded the meeting with a prayer.