Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th April 2013
PRESENT: Father David, Deacon Ron O’Toole, Terry McIlwee, Andrew Clark, Mary Edmonds, Hilary Bolger, Jenny Evans, Jayne Randall, Michael Hawley, Michael Haughton, John Bolger & Agnieska Gabriel
1. APOLOGIES: Teresa Butler
Terry welcomed Agnieska to the PPC as the Polish Community’s Representative. Fr. David then began the meeting with a reading from St. Peter taken from today’s evening office. We prayed for areas of conflict in the world at present. We remembered and prayed for sick and deceased members of our Parish Community.
2. It was agreed to finish the meeting by 8.45 p.m.
3. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON 29th JANUARY 2013 were agreed.
Year of Faith – The trip to see The Life of Christ at Wintershall has been cancelled as there were not enough people signed up to make it cost effective.
The Parish Visit to St. John’s Cathedral has been arranged for Wednesday 2nd October. Fr. David thought the Parish could pay for the coach which will collect people from each church as usual and transport us to the Cathedral for Mass at 11 a.m. followed by a Tour of the Cathedral (£3 per head) and Tower (£3 if desired) followed by lunch in the Narthex. Clare will ask Antonia to book the coach and ensure that the date is in the newsletter to give people good notice. Nearer the time Clare will obtain lunch menus from the Narthex cafe. The Visit will end at about 3 p.m.
There will be a notice in the newsletter to encourage people to submit their ‘Faith Stories’. Fr. David said the young were particularly inspired in their faith by taking part in the World Youth Days, HCPT trips to Lourdes and the Flame Conference and they might well like to submit their own ‘Faith Stories’. The ‘Faith Stories’ could then be collated into a pamphlet for the Parish.
Unfortunately Sam Meyer was unable to attend the meeting as planned but he would like to meet with members of the PPC. He has suggested Thursday 2nd May. It was decided a sub-committee would be best – Terry, John, Mary, Hilary, Michael, Aggie, Clare and Antonia. John will confirm a time with Sam. John said communication with Sam had been quite difficult of late and we really need to establish some ground rules for the maintenance of the website. Sam will be off to University in the Autumn and by then the glitches need to be sorted and responsibilities for each part of the website need to be decided.
Dr. Dilys Wadman has agreed to come and talk about her role as Diocesan Communications Officer at the Parish Meeting on the 20th May. Mary is organising the Hoveton Parishioners to produce the delicious main course and Hilary is organising the North Walsham Parishioners to produce equally delicious puddings. Nick Sutherland, Chairman of the Finance Committee is aware of the date. Clare will ask Antonia to advertise the date in the Newsletter and she will put lists for attendees to sign in each Church.
John explained that he had now been in post for two years and he would really like a review of his role and responsibilities. As Fr. David, Deacon Ron, Terry and Mary had appointed John it was agreed that they would be responsible for this review at a mutually convenient date.
Michael Hawley explained that St. John’s had been open for Private Prayer and a Quiet Time in the Presence of the Lord since the beginning of Lent but with few people attending, apart from the couple who had agreed to open the Church each time. He felt that if the numbers did not increase the Quiet Time would cease at the end of May.
Michael Hawley said that he had been asked to raise the subject of photos on the Parish Website. These are lacking at present and he wondered if there should be someone delegated to take photos at Parish events. John explained that this issue will be raised with Sam as he is aware that the website has very few photos at present. The histories of the Church also still need to be added to the website
Michael Hawley raised the issue as to whether there were any better and more musical arrangements that could be sung during the Easter Triduum, especially during the Good Friday liturgy. After a discussion he was asked to research into whether there were any new pieces or versions, which might be more suitable, and to bring them forward to those who decide the liturgy for this period of the year. Michael felt that there should have been more rehearsals but Fr. David explained it was very difficult with people’s time to bring them all together. He thanked everyone involved with the music for the Triduum services and both he and Deacon Ron said that many people had commented that they had found the Easter services very uplifting, that there was greater participation each year and they appreciated the fact that the choir was representative of all three areas of the Parish. Fr. David explained that in an ideal world he would like to move the Easter Services around the Parish but unfortunately neither St. Helens nor St. Johns were large enough to accommodate the numbers wishing to attend the services.
Hilary Bolger reported that the Parish Support Group had held several meetings and training sessions and were helping a number of Parishioners. She asked for a page on the website about the Support Group and would like the Support Group contact details on the Newsletter, this is in hand. At present contact is only via the telephone but they hope to have an email address in the near future. The Group is not able to offer any financial help but is able to accompany people to interviews with for example, the CAB or DWP. Volunteers are available to talk to people in need and there are trained bereavement counselors amongst the volunteers. The Support Group is able to ‘signpost’ people to the most appropriate agency to help them. Fr. David asked if Marianne and Hilary would present a brief report on the Support Group at the Parish Open Meeting.
9. A.O.B.
Fr. David asked that Sacred Heart community set up a Forum as both the other Churches now have a Forum on a regular basis. He suggested that PCC representatives could make themselves available to the Parishioners during the coffee time after Sunday Mass. Fr. David also asked that the Disabled Bays be marked outside Sacred Heart. Mike Lovett was dealing with this before he moved from the Parish.
Cromer Food bank now has food banks established on a Wednesday in North Walsham running from our church hall and on a Monday in Aylsham running from St. Michael’s Church. A Food bank in Hoveton and Wroxham is under discussion at present but this will probably be run from Norwich. A letter from the Food Bank organizers will be read out in each Church next Sunday. Our collection at the Maundy Thursday Mass was for the Food Bank.
Monday 20th May – Parish Open Meeting at 7 p.m. North Walsham Hall
Thursday 20th June 2013 7.15 for 7.30 either in Parish Hall or Presbytery depending on the Hall use
Deacon Ron then concluded the meeting with a reading from Blessed Cardinal Newman.