Minutes of the meeting held on TUESDAY 17thAPRIL 2018
PRESENT: Father James Walsh, Carol Shippey, Robert Hardie, Becky Walker, Frances Dickerson, Peter Rylands, Antonia Martinez, Elaine Haughton, Secretary Clare Hardie
- APOLOGIES:Deacon Ron O’Toole, Ginny Keane, and John Bolger
Fr. James began the meeting with prayers.
- It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 8.45 p.m.
- MINUTES OF THE MEETINGof the 23rdJanuary 2018 were approved.
‘Cool Catholic Kids’ – Ginny was unable to attend but sent the following report – So far this year the family masses have been well attended at North Walsham. The Stations of the Cross on Good Friday were especially well received; the artwork will be saved and hopefully added to for next year. The children loved the adult participation and it gave them confidence in their work and discussion of each station. The uplifting involvement of children in the Easter morning service at St. John of the Cross brought a sense of joy and celebration to the occasion (although chaotic) however space was at a premium and I would like to plan for a larger celebration at Sacred Heart and make a full Family Mass? We had approximately 25 children; they are out there, more publicity needed? Thoughts and feedback appreciated.
I have discovered that the small publications which are available for adults “Magnificat’ are also available for children 6-12 years – “Magnifikid’ (50p each) I have not seen one but feel it would be a nice support aid for them to have at home. Could we look at being able to give one to each child in the parish of the relevant age? I would also like to look at storage and wonder if there would be any objections if I sort out the liturgy cupboards in North Walsham with a couple of the potential Sacred Heart children’s liturgy leaders. I am in the process of doing some research on how to expand and make more stable the children’s future within the Church, and hope to have more information and ideas at a later date. All feedback greatly appreciated, thank you for your support.
Fr. James will discuss the booklets, which are published quarterly with Ginny and also the Easter Masses.
Following discussions at the last meeting about publicising our parish Clare has spoken to Brian Lee of Churches Together in Aylsham about the leaflet advertising all the churches in the town and he is looking into a further print run of the leaflets for distribution to the show homes on the new estates. We discussed asking the local libraries if they would take a few copies of the Catholic East Anglia papers, Antonia will approach NW, Frances – Hoveton, and Carol will speak to Clare Glenn in Aylsham. Frances said that our services at St. Helens were always published in The Bridge magazine, which was delivered free to all homes in Wroxham and Hoveton. Fr. James felt that each community really needed a person responsible for publicity. Maybe we should have a regular column in Just Aylsham too. Keith Morris the editor of the Catholic East Anglia is always very willing to print events and articles in the monthly paper and on the Diocesan website.
Action – Fr. James & Ginny, Antonia, Frances & Carol
Catechetical Certificate Training – Fr. James has spoken to Ginny and having missed the start of the course for this year will look at possibly doing the course next year now Action – Fr. James and Ginny
Adoremus Congress in Liverpool – Fr. James has now been sent details and booking information. The Congress will be held at the ACC ECHO Arena in Liverpool over the weekend of the 7-9thSeptember 2018. Fr. Tony Rogers and Rebecca Bretherton will be representing the Diocese but two representatives from each parish may also attend and the parish will pay the attendance fee of £40. Attendees will need to fund their own travel and accommodation. As few people from East Anglia may want to make the long journey to Liverpool there will be events taking place in the Diocese to coincide with events taking place at the Congress. Further details on line at
Fr. James hopes to attend himself and will publicise the event in the parish bulletin. Any parishioners interested in attending need to speak to Fr. James. In preparation for the Congress Fr. James will give parishioners a couple of talks focussing on Eucharistic Adoration
Action – Fr. James
Parish Communications and Diocesan Events – Antonia said that the monthly insert is really only required during Lent and over Christmas when there are a lot of events to advertise. She thought there was plenty of space in the bulletin at other times. If parishioners were given advance warning of an upcoming event she thought that putting it in the bulletin for two weeks prior to the actual date should be sufficient. Fr. James had been sent brief details of the Rosary on the Coast, which is to take place at various locations along the coast at 3 p.m. on Sunday 29thApril 2018. It was thought that with such short notice to prepare for the event those who wanted to attend might like to join with parishes that have already organised a location to meet. Fr. James will print details in the bulletin this weekend of the venues where St. George’s Parish, UEA Cath Soc, Our Lady of Refuge and St Joseph’s and Walsingham are gathering. Sacred Heart Church will be open during the afternoon so parishioners could gather there if they would like to pray the rosary together at 3 p.m. on the 29thApril.
(Post meeting – Elaine spoke to Fr. James and will organise for our Parish to gather at Cart Gap)
Action – Fr. James, Antonia and Elaine
Student Cross Pilgrimage – Rob reported that the students had duly arrived at St. John of the Cross on Maundy Thursday after a very wet walk from Oxford. They were very grateful to have the use of the Church to celebrate their Maundy Thursday Mass and about 15 parishioners joined them for the Mass. 2 Jesuit priests and a seminarian accompanied the 20 students.
We discussed the Parish Triduum services and how well attended the Good Friday service had been. The weather did not help attendances for the Easter Vigil service but in fact the rain did stop just in time for the lighting of the Paschal Candle. Rob expressed thanks to Fr. James for the three talks he had given during Lent which were well received.
The date for our assessment has been fixed for Monday 14thMay. So most of the Steering Group will be free to meet with the assessors and go through the folder of information we have put together to try and demonstrate how the parish has been trying to live more simply. Parishioners were asked to complete a final questionnaire last weekend, which we hope will show changes they have made, and commitment to continue in the future. The weekend of the 21/22 April Rob and Clare will be joining a CamCRAG convoy to Calais to work in the Auberge des Migrants sorting the donated clothes and preparing food in the Refugee Community Kitchen. On Sunday 24thJune we are planning a Parish Walk in line with the Pope’s request that we ‘Share the Journey’ in solidarity with people on the move all over the world. We plan to start at the Sacred Heart after Mass with coffee in the Hall where there will be some cakes and books for sale and a tombola. We will then walk along the Weaver’s Way talking and praying using prayer cards supplied for the walk by CAFOD. There will be a Nature Trail for the children. We will stop and eat our picnic lunches and then return to the Sacred Heart and total the miles we have all walked to be added to the grand total of 24,900 that CAFOD are hoping to achieve – the distance around the whole world
Action – Live Simply Steering Group
It was agreed to meet at 7 p.m. on Monday 18thJune in the Parish Hall at North Walsham. Clare will book the Hall with Annabelle. St John of the Cross parishioners will provide the main course and St. Helen’s the puddings this year. We will stick to the format of supper on arrival followed by reports by Fr. James, Rob as PPC Chair and Nick Sutherland as Finance Committee Chair. Rob will speak to Michael McMahon the President of the North Norfolk SVP and compile a report for the meeting about the work of the SVP
Action – Forums, Fr. James, Rob, Nick Sutherland & Clare
Frances, Antonia and Clare have checked the present entries with the various people concerned and Clare will now make the necessary amendments requested and circulate the final copy around for final checking before printing.
Action – All
St. Helens – The organ has been refurbished and now has a quiet blower, Nick Walmsley is delighted with the results. Veronique Cornish would like to organise a reunion for people who went on last year’s trip to France during the first week of October. A parishioner had asked that amounts and details of the second collections be printed in the bulletin each week. It was explained that this already happened and that details of all the mandatory and optional second collections for the year are published in the Diocesan Yearbook. Peter mentioned the state of the St Helen’s notice board and Frances reassured him that Nick Walmsley had this in hand.
Sacred Heart – Fr. James would like another Parish Garden Party following the great success of the celebration for his jubilee last summer. It was agreed to arrange this with a buffet lunch on Saturday 28thJuly from about 1 – 5 p.m.
St. John of the Cross – The paving stones on the approach to the Church are to be repaired and the fence in the car park will be mended. Michael Hawley and Neil Boyle are working on the security of the church with new locks and window catches. Rob and Clare will be holding a Wine and Cheese Evening at their home from 7 p.m. on Saturday 2ndJune with proceeds going to the North Norfolk SVP. As requested by James and Maria, Rob has organised a couple of evenings of Bible Study using the Jesse Box bible characters, several other parishioners went along too and the characters really appealed to their young son Jacob who was present for the first part of the evening. Next Forum -13thMay
9. A.O.B.
Clare said that she would like to cease being the PPC secretary after the Annual Parish Meeting and was in the process of talking to Kathy Watkins about taking over the role.
Tuesday 24thJuly at 19.30 at St John of the Cross, Aylsham
Fr. James then concluded the meeting with a prayer.