Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st May 2014
PRESENT: Father David, Terry McIlwee, Teresa Butler, Mary Edmonds, Michael Haughton, Michael Hawley, Carol Shippey, John Bolger, Adrian Rudman
1. APOLOGIES: Deacon Ron O’Toole, Hilary Bolger, Jayne Randall, Agnieszka Gabriel
Fr. David then began the meeting talking about the feast of St. Joseph the Worker and followed this with Evening Prayer of the day
2. It was agreed to finish the meeting by 8.30 p.m.
3. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING on 6th February 2014 were agreed.
Gift Aid Forms – The correct forms were now in each church and details about STO’s and Gift Aid were on the Parish website.
Parking at Sacred Heart – Nick Sutherland is having on-going discussions with Paston GP Surgery about payments for the use of our car park by several members of their staff on a daily basis and our Parishioners use of their car park on a Sunday morning. The number of cars will have to be limited as users of the Parish Hall are entitled to use car park and Parishioners need to be able to park when there is a funeral service.
It will be suggested that the surgery staff park under the trees by the car park exit. The costs of excavating and laying plastic matting in that area would be in excess of £20,000 so not a viable proposition but Peter Butler would be happy to dig out some of the large potholes which could then be filled with hard-core and shingle to repair the badly damaged surface. Clare will ask Ian Roberts to contact Peter Butler to work out costs involved and report back to the Finance Committee for approval.
Year of Faith – Fr. David will check with Antonia on the progress of the A5 leaflets, which he thought had been compiled, and which should now be ready for distribution to each Church.
Diocese of East Anglia Synod Questionnaire – Hilary sent a note asking if the results of the Synod Questionnaire were going to be published in the UK as they had been in Germany. Fr. David explained that the Clergy had asked Bishop Alan the same question and he had said that it had been agreed, at least in the UK to wait until after the Synod in September before the results were published.
Wi-fi in Parish Hall – This was now in place and up and running and being enjoyed by the Senior Citizens. Adrian was thanked for his help. Adrian has the necessary Password but will let Annabel know it too so that she can make it available if Hall users need to the use the Wi-Fi.
100 Years of North Walsham Celebrations 7-9th June – Sacred Heart Parish will be having a stand during the celebrations and will be displaying the statue of St. Joseph which was carved by a POW.
St John of the Cross ‘Roof Fund Concert’ – Terry expressed thanks to Michael Hawley for organising a very entertaining and enjoyable concert. Michael said £625 had been raised for the roof fund.
Annual Parish Meeting – As Fr. David leaves the Parish on the 18th May it was decided that we should cancel the Parish Meeting this year. There will be a farewell lunch for Fr. David on Sunday 18th May following the 11 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart. Fr. David asked that the Financial Report should be published and circulated with the Parish Bulletin in the next few weeks. Clare will speak to Nick Sutherland. Terry did not feel it necessary to produce a written report as the Minutes of all PPC meetings are available on the website. There will be a meeting as usual in 2015. Before the news that Fr. David was to leave, Terry had written to Bishop Alan and Fr. Henry inviting them to speak at the annual meeting but neither had been able to attend that day. Bishop Alan had replied that he would be happy to come another time.
A working party had met and decided that the welcome pack should contain copies of The Welcome Leaflet which includes an address slip for the PP’s records, The Parish Directory, a list with photos of the current PPC Members, the leaflet about Legacies and Gift Aid with a STO form, the Parish Census Form and a Short History of the 3 Parish Churches. The amendments to the Parish Directory have been done but with the departure of Fr. David printing will now have to wait until we have a new PP in place in the autumn. Hilary sent a note to say she would like the wording about the Support Group altered. Once this is done the Directory could be updated on the website as that can easily be changed at a later date.
John is continuing to run the weekly Bible Study Group at the Prison. The appointment of the new Chaplain is imminent. Terry will speak to people at the Council of Laity to see if there are other Pastoral Assistants in place in the Diocese whom John could meet up with for support and role sharing. Fr. David also suggested contacting the Margaret Beaufort Institute in Cambridge who running a training programme for Pastoral Assistants. Fr. David thanked John for organising and rehearsing the joint parish choir during the Easter week services, he also thanked Michael Hawley for composing several pieces of the music where they performed. He had had many appreciative remarks about the Easter Week services and there were good attendances at all the services.
St. John of the Cross – Michael Hawley said that Roof Appeal had now risen to £5272 and there were more fund raising events planned including a Quiz and Chips night on the 24th May and a Cheese and Wine Evening on the 14th June (this date has now been changed to the 14th July)
Sacred Heart – No forum has been set up as yet but the PPC reps all feel that they make themselves available and talk to parishioners at coffee after Mass most Sundays.
St. Helen’s – The ‘Unwell Cards’ that Anne Pappendick designed and had printed have now been reprinted by Ron Pappendick and Michael Haughton would like to have a nominated person in each Church to keep a supply and send them to ‘unwell’ Parishioners. Teresa will trim the card insert and staple the card and insert together. Eucharistic Ministers will then be able to take a card to sick Parishioners when they visit. St. Helen’s now have new kneelers at the altar rail and a new cross beside the Cremation Garden; these will shortly be blessed and re-dedicated.
8. A.O.B.
Parish Picnic – Fr. David asked whether this could be organized, as there is no Fete this year. Terry will speak to the Faith Food and Fun Committee
Photos for Gallery on Website – Michael Hawley asked if there could be a team of people willing and able to take photos at all Parish events so that we have a good record of parish life. A request for past photos of events and people willing to be involved will be put in the bulletin and John could hopefully then upload them to the website in due course.
Thursday 26th June 2014 7.15 for 7.30 in the Presbytery
Thursday 11th September 2014 7.15 for 7.30 in the Presbytery
Thursday 27th November 7.15 for 7.30 in the Presbytery
Terry then concluded the meeting by thanking Fr. David for his ministry to the Parish over the last 10 years and by wishing him well for the future from everyone in the Parish. Fr. David in his turn thanked the PPC for their help and support to him over the years.
Fr. David drew the meeting to a close with a prayer and blessing.