Minutes of the Meeting held on TUESDAY 9 JULY 2019 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Fr James Walsh, Richard McGreevy (Chair), Antonia Martinez, John Bolger, Elaine Haughton, Grazyna Skawinska, Ginny Keane, Catherine Watkins (Secretary)
- APOLOGIES: Deacon Ron O’Toole, Rebecca Walker, Keith Copperwheat, Peter Rylands, Carol Shippey
Fr James opened the meeting with a prayer.
- It was agreed to try and finish the meeting by 8.45pm.
- MINUTES OF THE MEETING: of 9 April 2019 were approved and signed.
Parking at the Sacred Heart Church. Following discussion at the Forum, action had been taken and notices are now placed on the windscreens of offending vehicles. There was an immediate effect and a marked improvement has been noted.
Ongoing action
Day of Development for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers. As agreed, Antonia had produced a guidelines sheet for readers, which would be made available at all three churches. The printed guidelines would be placed in the church boxes.
Action – Antonia
Sacristy Ceiling. This is due to be repaired on Monday 15 July 2019 at a cost of £100. Check on satisfactory completion.
Action– Fr James
LED votive lights. Following a suggestion, Fr James had considered the use of these in front of the Sacred Heart Statue in the church lobby at North Walsham and had decided against their use.
Newsletters. Antonia reported that there was still a large number being left at the Sacred Heart church after Mass. She would consider further reducing the number of newsletters printed each week. It was remarked that many parishioners view the newsletter on-line and so do not take a hard copy.
Action – Antonia
Music Settings Booklet. Antonia reported that the booklet was at the printers.
Action – Antonia
Sacred Heart Forum. The inaugural meeting took place on 12 May 2019. See item 7.
- COOL CATHOLIC KIDS: Ginny reported that she was struggling with membership as the core child members grow older and are not being replaced by younger children. Several of the children are not local or attend other churches. She was looking to join CCK with St John’s Cathedral Youth Group. However, the Family Masses would continue, although it would be more of a challenge to raise the necessary number of participating children and young people. Ginny also asked that a box of suitable books/workbooks for children to look at during Masses be made available at the back of each church, (maybe with crayons or colouring pencils as well) particularly since there are insufficient children now to make the provision of Children’s Liturgy practical.
- SUMMER GARDEN PARTY 27 JULY 2019: There are some other events taking place on 27 July which means that many parishioners are otherwise committed. Fr James said that if there are fewer than 20 people on the lists, the event would be cancelled because it would not be worth the amount of work involved. Antonia would keep the lists in all 3 churches for another weekend and monitor the situation. She has also asked for offers of help and provision of salads etc.
Action – Antonia
- THE YEAR OF THE WORD 2020: Fr James advised the meeting that there was not much material available yet and that it would probably start to appear around September. The Parish would mark the occasion in some way and Fr James said he would like to present introductions to the Bible. John Bolger said that he led a Bible study group in the prison and that it was an uplifting experience. In his view, such groups were often livelier when they were led by lay people. It was observed that Deacon Ron’s poor health means that he is no longer able to lead the Friday Scripture Study. The group could be given a higher profile as part of recognition of the Year of the Word.
Elaine Haughton recommended “Word on Fire – Engage”, a Catholic media organisation founded by Bishop Robert Barron. There are various courses and a library of readings and DVD’s. Website is and there is a 30-day free trial.
- WELCOME PACK: Cathy circulated samples of welcome packs from our parish and from the parish of Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham, for the Committee to see whether we could improve on our current pack by using ideas from the Sheringham pack. Following discussion, Cathy agreed to create a shorter version of the current registration form. In use, this would be followed up after receipt by a visit from community representatives. It was agreed that the Parish records were in need of updating and Antonia said that this could be tackled with the help of the community representatives. Fr James said he could help by letting them know who had died so that those records could be removed.
Action – Committee
- LIVE SIMPLY STEERING GROUP UPDATE: Report submitted by Clare Hardie. A successful appeal for CAFOD during Lent. Parishioners donated household items for rucksacks to be distributed by the Cathedral Justice & Peace Group to refugees in Norwich. 10 boxes of items were delivered. CAFOD are now encouraging people to get involved with their latest campaign – Our Common Home. Parishioners are encouraged to sign the petition to the PM to take action to limit global temperature rise to 1.5̊C and to be a carbon neutral country by 2045. The Steering Group hopes to organise a Creation Celebration Mass in the Autumn as part of the Live Simply Harvest Celebrations. Ginny said that she would liaise with the Group on preparation for the Family Harvest Mass on 6 October 2019.
Action – Ginny
North Norfolk SVP Update. Report submitted by Clare Hardie. The Papal Nuncio visited and blessed St Vincent’s House in Sheringham. This is the house that the National SVP has purchased to house temporarily homeless people in North Norfolk. The house will be officially opened by Bishop Alan on 5 September 2019 and Fr James had been invited to attend the ceremony. Our parish has been contributing annually from money given to the Alive in Faith fund as part of our social outreach. Rob and Clare Hardie will host a wine and cheese party on 17 August 2019 at 7.00pm to raise funds for the work of the SVP. Fr James said that a further contribution of £1,000 would be made this year.
Action – Fr James
- ANNUAL PARISH MEETING, 20 MAY 2019 – Review: A successful meeting attended by around 45 parishioners from all 3 church communities. Thanks were expressed to the providers of the delicious food.
St Helen. Some work on unsound trees in the church grounds has been carried out but due to birds nesting a further visit from the tree surgeon has been arranged for September.
The 60th Anniversary celebrations were a great success – 82 attendees, including 7 former priests.
A Harvest Sunday lunch will be held on 6 October 2019 at 1.30pm. Cost will be £8 per head but no charge will be made only donations requested.
A Memorial Mass is planned for Wednesday 6 November 2019.
The statue of St Helen has woodworm and has had to be removed. A new statue will be commissioned from Cambodia.
The Filipino Mass event will be on 15 September 2019.
Francis Harmer will be undertaking a sponsored bike ride on 15 September 2019, in aid of Norfolk Historic Churches Trust. Sponsorship welcomed.
Bank account stands at £5,785.77 which includes £925 from the Repository and £157 surplus in the crib fund. St John’s paid £1,000 for the use of St Helen’s during the winter months.
St John of the Cross. Parishioners had asked for more detail on their events in the newsletter. Antonia explained that she included as much as possible, but that the issue was lack of space.
Heating – one floor level heater will be repaired and new overhead heaters will be installed.
Church security has been upgraded with a new key box accessible by code.
A children’s bookcase to be provided at the back of the church, with suitable books.
A simple Cambodian Mass will be held on 16 August 2019.
A wine and cheese party will be held on 17 August 2019 at 7.00pm in aid of the North Norfolk SVP, at Rob and Clare Hardie’s home.
Action needs to be taken to give more prominence to Catholic events, will make sure they are included in the local Aylsham magazine.
Sacred Heart. Following a steep increase in the number of “unauthorised” cars in the car park, a notice was drawn up to be placed on windscreens. Aideen, John Bolger and Becky volunteered to do this. (See Item 4 – Matters Arising).
The church cleaning rota had shrunk and ways to make the task easier for those remaining were discussed. To this end, the extra chairs at the end of each pew in the church have been removed and stored elsewhere. They will be brought back when required for special occasions.
Blessed Sacrament Exposition no longer takes place. Fr James agreed to consider this (Saturday at the same time as Confessions was a possibility).
Tenders had gone out for repairs to the church roof.
It was suggested that arrangements be made for the hall kitchen to have an annual professional deep clean. Annabel would be asked to organise this.
Several strip lights needed replacing (this has now been done).
Cool Catholic Kids. Ginny asked whether there could be a permanent entry on the back page of the newsletter giving the date of the next Family Mass. This was agreed.
Action – Antonia
Fr James informed the Committee that Fr Gavin would arrive this year on 13 September and go home on 12 October. Fr James would have his holiday during this period but would not be away for the whole time.
Mass for the Sick at the Sacred Heart will be on 9 September.
Memorial Garden Mass at the Sacred Heart, to be arranged.
Christmas Eve Mass at the Sacred Heart will be a Family Mass.
Election of community representatives. Elaine reminded the Committee that October sees the change-over of representatives who had served for 3 years. Cathy agreed to post a note in the newsletter and provide nomination forms in the church boxes.
Action – Cathy
- Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 22 October 2019, 7.15pm for 7.30 at St Helen’s, Hoveton.
Fr James then concluded the meeting with a prayer.