Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 26th November 2013
PRESENT: Father David, Terry McIlwee, Hilary Bolger, Teresa Butler, Mary Edmonds, Michael Haughton, Agnieska Gabriel. Adrian Rudman, Carol Shippey, Jayne Randall
1. APOLOGIES: Michael Hawley, John Bolger, and Deacon Ron O’Toole
Fr. David then began the meeting with Prayers
2. It was agreed to finish the meeting by 9 p.m.
3. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON 10th September2013 were agreed.
Parish Visit to the Cathedral – This had gone well and been thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
St. Helen’s Harvest Supper – This had also been very successful and Terry thanked the whole team.
Visit of Fr. Rajat – It had been decided not to try and renegotiate a further visa. Hopefully a visit will happen in the near future but no date fixed as yet
Seminarian’s Visa – Alfonso-Jude had returned to the Philippines as planned and been granted a Visa and was now back studying at Oscott. We have two Seminarians studying at Oscott now and both were involved in the celebrations for the ending of the Year of Faith. Hopefully three more young men will be applying to join the Seminary next September.
Parking at Sacred Heart – This was discussed further and Adrian will speak to Bell Tree Services about the possibilities and costs involved and Mary Edmonds with speak with her son William, who is involved in Planning, about submitting the necessary planning applications and the best way forward
Terry welcomed back Mary Edmonds from St. Helen’s and Hilary Bolger from Sacred Heart who have both agreed to stand for a further 3 years. He also welcomed Adrian Rudman from Sacred Heart and Carol Shippey from St. John of the Cross
Terry McIlwee was proposed as Chair by Michael Haughton and seconded by Mary Edmonds
Hilary Bolger was proposed as Vice Chair by Teresa Butler and seconded by Mary Edmonds. Both were unanimously elected.
All thought that the Year of Faith had ended on a very high note with the wonderful Blessed Sacrament Procession through Norwich on Friday night. This had gone extremely well despite earlier misgivings. The Youth Vigil had been well attended with each Deanery Youth Group making a short presentation and lots of Parishioners had made it down to the Cathedral for our Parish’s Hour of Adoration between 10 & 11 p.m. The Mass on Saturday was well also attended. All felt that we had celebrated the Year of Faith well in the Parish and the Spirit of East Anglia booklet was a good reflection on our Diocese in the Year of Faith
This had been circulated to the PPC members and some had been able to have a quick look at the document. Terry explained that at the Council of Laity the Bishop had asked that PPC members would respond. The response time is very short as the information had to be extracted and collated and the Diocesan response sent back to Rome in good time for the Synod due next October. Fr. David said the Deanery had discussed it but were only able to tackle a few of the questions due to lack of time. Each Diocese seems to have devised their own questionnaire. There seemed to be confusion about whether one’s personal opinion was being sought or whether one was to try and make a response on behalf of one’s Parish. It was thought that lots of individuals would have submitted their own responses these might come from people with particular issues they felt they wanted changed. Fr. David explained that it would be difficult to change Catholic teaching on a number of these issues as belonging to the Catholic Church meant adhering to Catholic teaching. Several of the questions and answers seemed to overlap. The Diocesan Marriage and Family Commission would be co-ordinating our response. All thought it was a shame that it was so rushed. Terry suggested that if members would try and answer some of the questions and submit their responses to him by Thursday this week he would collate them and make a submission on behalf of the Sacred Heart PPC
John sent in a report in his absence to say that the weekly Bible Study Group at HMP Bure is progressing well and he hoped it would be able to continue with the Group until a new Chaplain is appointed.
St. John of the Cross – Michael Hawley sent in a report to say the fundraising for the church roof refurbishment was continuing. A concert was planned for 4/5th April.
Sacred Heart – Teresa Butler said that parking over the disabled access was still a problem at some Masses and a tactful word with offenders might be able to sort the problem. They would plan further Forum meetings and ensure that the date was advertised in the Bulletin and announced in Church as happens at St. John of the Cross and St. Helen’s
St. Helen’s – Michael Haughton explained that he had been trying to help a parishioner with completing STO and Gift Aid forms for his contributions to the Parish but had been unable to find any forms at the back of St. Helen’s or in the Sacred Heart Church. He had been able to download the forms from the Diocesan Website but felt that would be a difficulty for lots of Parishioners. He thought the Gift Aid form could be improved and suggested a few additions but Fr. David and Terry explained they were Diocesan Forms that Parish Finance Committees were not free to alter. Clare will speak to Nick Sutherland, Chairman of the Finance Committee and ask that a supply of forms is available in each Church and to query whether it would be possible to have the forms available for download from our Parish Website. The possibility of having other forms on the website was also discussed e.g. Enrolment for Confirmation, and First Communion. Jayne asked if contact details could be on the website but Terry explained it had been decided to only have these details in the hard copy of the Parish Directory as a safeguarding issue. Copies of the Parish Directory are available in each Church.
11. A.O.B.
There were no further matters to discuss
Thursday 6th February 2014 7.15 for 7.30 in the Parish Hall or Presbytery depending on the Hall use.
Fr. David then concluded the meeting with a prayer.