Sacred Heart Parish Newsletter
This Sunday, the first after Easter, is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday.
The story of Thomas and his need for evidence is told in today’s Gospel reading and is found in all three Synoptic gospels which shows its significance. I have always thought that describing Thomas as ‘doubting’ is rather unfair. He had not been present when the Risen Christ appeared to the other apostles and he needed a more tangible proof than their witness. When the Lord gave him this he was ready to make his own beautiful act of faith. We have not had his experience of seeing and touching the Lord. We are those ‘who have not seen and yet believe’ and are blessed for doing so. We rely on the eye-witness evidence of the apostles. ‘These (things) are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ and believing this you may have life through his name’.
Many of you will be following Mass streamed from Walsingham. You can also make a ‘virtual’ Retreat this coming week which Monsignor John Armitage is leading. It begins on Sunday evening and will end on the following Sunday. You can find details on the Walsingham website:
The Shrine is also putting out Fr Stephen Wang’s short course of catechetics which begins on Monday, 27th April.
Father James
Mass will continue at 10.00 am each day in the Sacred Heart church.
Remember to pray for our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Tom Ender, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan and Mary Carr.
We also remember Joe Seely, Catherine Whitwell and Sylvia McCready who died recently. We also pray for Emily Bates, Bertram Alley, Inga Courtney, Winifred Edwards, Joan Sims, Anne Papendick, Alfred Pycroft, Barnard Liscombe, Frederick Webster, Marin Conneely and Connie Newsham whose anniversaries occur this week.
Several parishioners have been asking for the church’s bank details so that they can set up a standing order. Our account number with Barclay’s is 10246018. The sort code is 20.03.26