A Dear Friends,
Today we celebrate the feast of the Blessed Trinity: 3 persons in one God. It is quite possible to get yourself in a theological tangle and try to explain what is ultimately the mystery of the Godhead. For me it is an opportunity to stop and reflect on the awesome presence of God in the world and in our lives. We moderns like to dissect and rationalise. God goes beyond our need for tidy compartments. Today we simply worship and rejoice in the majesty and goodness of God.
Bishop Alan will confer the sacrament of Confirmation on our young candidates next Friday evening at North Walsham at 7.00 pm. Next weekend it is the turn of our children who will make their First Holy Communion.
God bless you all,
Father James
‘For He is endless, and He has made us for his own self only, and has restored us by His blessed Passion and keeps us in his blessed love. And He does all this through his goodness’. (Julian of Norwich)
Parish Safeguarding checks: Just to reassure all our parish volunteers who have CRB/DBS certificates for the work you do in the parish, that the diocese rechecking process will commence when the National DBS processes are settled. This is likely to be in 2016. If you have any concerns that your situation has changed since your last parish check, please speak to Steve Stachini, your Parish Safeguarding Representative or Father James. Mobile: 07766117718 or Home No:
01692 650017
Mission Team Vacancy are now looking for one more person, an 18-29 year old to complete their full-time Diocesan Mission Team. Could this be you? If interested in working with young people, please go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth for more information. This is a residential position.
Senior Citizens Group meets on Monday 1st June. AM Computer workshop; PM Bingo.
On Friday 5th June there will be a “Julian Quiet day” at the home of Rob and Clare Hardie at Orchard Cottage, Newton Road, Hainford, NR10 3BQ at 10.30-15.00. All are welcome; please bring a packed lunch with you. If you would like to come please ring 01603 897609.
Following the Confirmation of our young people on Friday 5th June at the Sacred Heart Church, there will be refreshments in the parish hall and we are asked to each bring a plate of “finger food” and, thinking perhaps especially of our candidates, items of food that will appeal to young appetites!
Next Sunday (7th) is Corpus Christi and there will be Benediction at the Sacred Heart at 3pm: there is to be an outside procession, weather permitting. For all the parish.
There will be a meeting for the Parish Summer Fete on Tuesday 9th June in the Committee Room of the hall at 7pm. It is very IMPORTANT that all stall holders attend this meeting.
To parishioners – from next weekend a box will be placed in the porch of each church for your generous contributions. Remember! The Fete is only five week’s away on Sunday 5th July! Queries to Teresa Butler on 07901 830327 or 01692 405007. More volunteers are still needed to make this event a huge success. See posters for details and reminders of the different stalls.
Support Cambodia: Plant Sale total is now £1063. Sponsored Walk: to offer sponsorship please see Carol (St Helen’s), Bob (Sacred Heart) or Hariette (St John’s). All proceeds to the Phnom Priel Solar Energy Project. Thanks for ‘Supporting Cambodia’.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur during this week including: Thomas McGinty, Matthew Johnson, Peter Cameron, Albert Gurney, Grace Butler, Russell Skipper, Ann Valerie (Val) Edwards and Elizabeth (Betty Kelso.
May they rest in peace.