Dear Friends,
On Thursday of this week, Bishop Kike, Apostolic Prefect of the diocese of Battambang will visit our parish and stay overnight in the presbytery. He will take part in a special Mass at 7.30 pm that day and we will have an opportunity to meet him in the hall afterwards. Please note that there will be no morning service on that day. If you need a lift or can offer one please let us know.
As happened two years ago, there is to be a Diocesan Procession of Witness with the Blessed Sacrament and an all-night Vigil in Norwich on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd October. It marks the end of our first year of preparation for the New Evangelisation and the start of the second. We are asked to take part as fully as we can and to attend some, if not all, of the events. Please see the poster or flyer for the timetable of the two days.
Why was Noah the best business man in the Bible? Because he floated his stock while everyone else was being liquidated.
This Sunday is Home Mission Day: there is a retiring collection. Cards will be given out at each Mass with the ‘Coming Home’ prayer. We will say this together during today’s Mass and on every Sunday until Advent.
The Senior Citizens Group meets on Monday 21st: a Computer Workshop is held in the morning and a session from Fr Robert Barron’s impressive DVD entitled “Catholicism” will be shown in the afternoon.
The PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) meets on Tuesday 22nd September at 7.30pm in the Committee Room of the Parish Hall in North Walsham.
The St Helens 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens next meets on 23 September when we shall be celebrating God’s gift of the harvest. Coffee at 11.30am, simple hot lunch at 12.00pm followed by home-spun entertainment, songs, poems, readings and quizzes. Please bring along your “party piece”. All over 60’s are welcome. Please let us know, for catering purposes, if you are coming along for the first time. 01692 582418
The Hoveton Forum will follow next Saturday’s evening Mass.
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day which would normally fall in a fortnight’s time (Friday 2nd October) will now take place the following Friday – Friday 9th there will be a mission appeal that weekend. We remember that what we save by “going without” on Friday we are invited to put in the CAFOD envelope. These envelopes will be distributed weekend of 3rd/4th as you leave Mass for returning as second collection the following weekend.
The Harvest Thanksgiving will now be celebrated in our Masses the weekend of 10th/11th October. At Aylsham and North Walsham parishioners are invited to bring harvest items, either before the Mass or in the Offertory Procession. A reminder: No plastic bags, please. Perishable items will be sold after Mass for CAFOD, store cupboard items will go to the Food Bank.
Notre Dame High School – has an Open Evening for prospective Parents on Thursday 24th September: parents with (Surnames A – M) at 6pm and (Surnames N – Z) at 7pm meet in the school’s Sports Hall. NB: also, two Open Days on Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th October to see the school. For details go to
Student Concert at St John of the Cross, Aylsham by pupils of David Shippey at 3pm next Sunday: proceeds to Support Cambodia.
A lady in Suffield would be very grateful for an occasional lift to Sunday Mass, which she misses very much. If you can help please contact John Bolger on 01692 581516.
Please Note: The parking area allocated for disabled drivers at the Sacred Heart, although unfinished, is ready for use. Some time next week a new surface will be added but will be ‘quick drying’ and ready for parking. The entrance and exit will be are normal.
We pray for Mary Bell’s sister who died last week and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Kevin Barry, Godfrey Fahey, William Blewett, Michael Page, John (Jack) Breen and Ada Loads.
May they rest in peace.
Hilary and John Bolger would like to thank everyone for the prayers, good works, cards and flowers that they have received since Hilary’s accident. We are hoping that she will soon be back again.