A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after Mass (in Aylsham and North Walsham). You may like to use a “one off” gift-aid envelope for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
LENT 2014 is almost here. You will find in the enclosed insert our parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start this Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches that day (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass.
Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat.
“Walk with Me” booklet – is a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2014 (on sale now £1) that in this year of Evangelisation, inspired by Pope Francis in his Evangelii Gaudium, will encourage us to rediscover the joy, hope and enthusiasm of the gospel message.
ST HELEN’S COMMUNITY MEETING is after Mass today (Saturday 1st March). All parishioners are welcome to stay. Pl put items on the Agenda (in porch)
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – Monday 3rd March: am Computer Workshop; pm A return visit from Karen Norton (Guide Dogs for the Blind) and her dog Holly.
ANNUAL WOMEN’S DAY OF PRAYER is being held on Friday 7th March at 2pm in our church at North Walsham. This is an international and inter-church organisation. Entitled “Streams in the desert”, the service this year has been compiled by the Coptic Christian women in Egypt. Both men and women are invited to attend. There will be refreshments afterwards in the Parish Hall and an opportunity to meet our fellow Christians from the area. There are similar Services at Hoveton (St Helens at 10.30am) and Aylsham (see notice boards).
SOUPS, SLIDES & CRAFTS in aid of Support Cambodia on Saturday 22nd March from 12noon – 1.30pm at The Sacred Heart Parish hall. Tickets £3 : available from Clare (Aylsham), Celia (Hoveton) or Adrian (NW) or Katie on 01263 577784. Details on the Cambodia notice boards in church. Please bring friends and family and advertise the event in your area.
GIFT AID ENVELOPE BOXES 2014/15 The boxes for the new Tax Year are available at the rear of the church. Please only take a numbered box if it has your name beside it; this number relates to the Inland Revenue records. Unnumbered boxes are also available for parishioners who wish to donate in this way. Please let Fr David know if you have any queries.
The Tablet – from 1st March the cover price will rise by 5p to £2.95. Apologies from publishers but increase is unavoidable. Still good value.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA PLANT SALE We will be holding this year’s plant sale on Saturday 17th May. With your help, this can be a great opportunity to raise much needed funds from the wider community. With the growing season upon us, there are many ways that you can produce plants cheaply with just a little TLC over the coming months: a) Keep a look out for seedlings and saplings in your garden and carefully pot them up. b) Many perennialscan be split and potted. c) You could grow your favourite plants from seed or make cuttings. d) Keep an eye open for special plant offers in the press and with online growers.
THE RITE OF ELECTION takies place in our Cathedral next Sunday afternoon at 4.00pm (First Sunday of Lent). Th8 is when those from the diocese who are seeking Adult Baptism or Reception into the Catholic Church (already baptised into another Christian denomination) this Easter, Formally present themselves to the bishop. We have three adults doing this. Why not come along to the Cathedral and offer your prayerful support.
CELEBGRATE EAST ANGLIA 31st May—1st June at St Benedict’s School, Bury St Edmunds. This was so successful last year that the diocese is running it again. Pick up a flyer from the porch – it’s for all ages and well worth attending.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED – Marriage Care, Norfolk are seeking 2 people to join the management team which supports those who deliver a valuable service to those preparing for marriage and for married couples:- i) a person to record and distribute minutes of the 3 or 4 meetings a year, usually held in the Narthex at the cathedral; ii) a publicity officer who will be responsible for sending information to parishes for inclusion in newsletters, distribution of posters and leaflets to parishes and any other publicity needed. For further information please contact Mary Clark (01603 250649) or mclark182@hotmail.com The AGM will be held in late March, when it is hoped that these posts will be filled. Please give this consideration and make contact if you are interested. The Marriage Care website is www.marriagecare.org.uk
TALKS on Catholicism, Darwinism & Creation at the Church of the Annunciation on Sat 8th March in Little Walsingham. See poster for details.
THREE DIFFERENT RETREATS running in March & April, during Lent and over Holy Week through to Easter Monday, at the Quiet Waters Christian Retreat House, Flixton Rd. Bungay, NR35 1PD. Information on fliers or phone 01986 893201 or wwwquietwaters.org.uk or mail@quietwaters.org.uk
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Colin Arthur Johnson, Agnes Mary Daniels, Livia Bligh, Henry (Harry) Trainor, John Broom, Ann Hannah Carty, Margaret (Peggy) Forder, Joan Anna Elsmore, Leslie Alexander Hammond, Jim Bowden, Shaun Browning and Patrick Anthony Shiell. May they rest in peace. Amen.