Dear Friends,
The Gospel reading last Sunday (the feeding of the five thousand) leads to today’s statement made by Jesus: ‘I am the bread of life’. This is what he wished to reveal in the multiplied bread – the real purpose of the miraculous meal. In the reading from Exodus God is revealed as feeding the people’s physical hunger: ‘the Lord gave them bread from heaven’ we will say in the psalm response. Now Jesus, the new Moses, offers bread that will go far beyond material food – the bread that is himself given in the eucharist.
New Organ for the Sacred Heart Church. We are now in the final stages of obtaining approval from the diocese for the installation of the new digital organ. As our church is a Grade 11 listed building we have been obliged to follow lengthy procedures/consultations. All being well the new organ will be installed in the second half of September. Thank you to all those who have contributed to the cost: your donations together with fund-raising now total nearly £9,000 and they are still coming in.
Father James
Did you know that they now have a Dial-A Prayer for atheists? It rings and rings and nobody answers. (Think about it!)
The Senior Citizens Group will meet on Monday 3rd August as usual: Fr James will be giving a talk on his collection of Georgian glass. (The computer class will continue during the summer).
The 9.30 am Mass at Aylsham next Friday (7th) will be a simple Cambodia-style Mass, followed by tea and cake.
Churches Together (for North Walsham) are organising a Safari Supper on Saturday 5th September, starting at 6.30 pm. Our church will be providing the dessert. Tickets for this event are on sale after Mass today. Cost for adults £7.50; under 12s £5.00.
Paper copies of Support Cambodia’s newsletter, Mango News, are now available in all three churches. Those registered for the e-version should have already received it. If you have not done so or there is a problem with opening it, please email the Editor at
Mango News is also available on the parish website.
Fundraising for World Youth Day will continue, fortnightly, taking place after Mass on a Sunday. This Sunday (2nd) Kerry and Lauren will again bring second hand books to the parish hall for people to take and make a donation.
In an attempt to sell off and clear the many items left over from the fete, Maureen and Antonia will be holding a “Sale – at knockdown prices” in the parish hall on the intervening Sundays from the book sale. The money raised will go towards the Organ Fund.
Fr Michael Johnstone is planning to take another group to Jamaica to work as volunteers with the Missionaries of the Poor. Anyone over 18 interested in finding out more and possibly joining – please contact him. The only cost is the fare, for which we will try to arrange sponsorship opportunities. To contact ring 01328 823586 or go to
The Shrine at Walsingham is looking for a Sales assistant to help with the Shrine Shop on busy pilgrimage days and to cover staff holidays for the next three months. If you would like to help please contact Sonya or Paul at: or telephone 01328 821794.
Have you lost a brooch? One was found in the church carpark at North Walsham last Sunday after Mass. Please contact Fr James or Antonia if you think it is yours.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Elizabeth Hebden, Richard Furlong, Kathleen Harkin, Norah Nyland, June Ennals, Ronald Perkins, Christopher Tuohy, Jeanette Shaw, Maureen Breen, Brenda O’Mara, Peter Carty, Audrey Howard and Christina O’Flaherty.
May they rest in peace.