A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR VISITORS who may be with us this weekend. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thank you.
TODAY we celebrate All Saints Day, transferred from the Saturday (1st November) to the Sunday. A 2nd collection will be taken for the St Edmund’s Fund.
All Souls is on Monday 3rd, always well attended, so there will be Mass at Aylsham at 9.00am; North Walsham at 10.30am and Hoveton at 6.00pm.
NEXT SUNDAY is Remembrance Sunday. The minute of silence at the 11.00am Mass this year will be observed at the commencement of the Prayers of the Faithful.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday(3rd): am – Computer Workshop; pm – Quiz.
The Senior Citizens Group on Monday 10th at 1.30pm will hold a Memorial Service within which they have a roll-call of past members. A candle is lit for each one. All of this takes part within a Service of Word & Holy Communion. Parishioners recently bereaved will be welcome to join us. Further information: from Teresa Butler, Becky Walker and Deacon Ron.
The Ebola virus in West Africa has infected more than 8,000 people. Some estimates suggest that without rapid action in the next 3 months the number could be nearer 1.4 million before Christmas. If you wish to give your support CAFOD is working with partners in the region. Donate online at: cafod.org.uk/ebola or call 03001000089.
PASTORAL COUNCIL: the nomination forms are coming in and there is just time for more to be submitted.
JOURNEY INTO FAITH For anyone wishing to join the Journey Into Faith programme, the sessions take place on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm at St John of the Cross, Aylsham. Further information call Bob on 01263 577784.
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2014/15 If your child is in Year 3 or above and you wish him/her to be enrolled in the Parish Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, please complete a registration form for enrolment, to be found at the back of the church asap.
CHURCH FLOWERS (at the Sacred Heart). Just before Christmas there will be an opportunity to contribute towards the flower displays in the church at that time and again before Easter.
FOR PARISH SUPPORT To get in touch either ring Hilary on 07909319646 or Teresa on 07901830327 or alternatively e-mail pssacredheart@outlook.com
WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Bishop Alan is inviting young people of 16 years and over by July 2016 to join him on Pilgrimage to WYD in Krakow culminating in Mass with Pope Francis. Limited places are available – bookings accepted on a first come served basis. Please see www.catholiceastanglia.com/youth to download and for the information pack.
MISSIO COLLECTION BOXES Please could you hand in your Red Boxes, the APF or Mission collection boxes: to Peter Adamson at Aylsham; Sue Perrott at the Sacred Heart and Maureen Keane at St Helen’s. Thank you. The Mission has issued its annual Calendar for 2015, available in church porches FREE. Thank you.
MANGO NEWS: next edition of Mango News (Support Cambodia Newsletter) will be out shortly. In the interests of economy and the environment, the majority of copies will in future be distributed by email. If you are happy to receive Mango News by email and have not already registered your e-address with Katie Maidment, please email Katie at katbob@live.co.uk A very limited number of paper copies available for those who do not have email.
WINNER OF THE ‘150 CLUB’ for October was Fr James – we are all delighted to hear. (Beginners luck! – Fr James)
Volunteers are needed at St Helen’s to take over the First Wednesday coffee club as existing team will not be continuing after December. Please see Cyril, Lesley, Dave or Mary for more information if you are interested as soon as possible.
CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARDS supporting Christian Aid and Traidcraft cards plus 19 other charities are on sale at “The Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card Shop” (new venue) All Saints Church, Westlegate, Norwich until 19th December, Monday – Saturday 9.30am until 5.00pm.
We pray for Charles Thacker who died recently and we remember in our prayers his family and friends. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Anthony (Tony) John Starmer, Cecil Hilary (Harry) Carr, Czeslaw Stanislaw Pelik, Helena Winifred Oakley, Ronald Chapman, Bernard Robb, Olive Marjorie Fuller, Hester Bernadette Armstrong and Michael Joseph Condon Reynolds.
May they rest in peace. Amen.