A WARM WELCOME to parishioners and to any visitors who are with us this weekend. You are welcome to join us for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
LENT 2013: Do make sure you have picked up the mauve leaflet ‘Lent 2013’;copies are still available at the back of the church: it lists all the Masses, Services and activities taking place over the coming weeks, events that can help us on our journey.
“Bird’s eye view” for this week of Lent: Stations of the Cross: Hoveton – Wed after 9.30am Mass (this week it will take the form of mediations during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament); Aylsham – Friday after 9.30am Mass; North Walsham – Friday 12noon. Hunger Lunches: North Walsham on Thursday and Aylsham on Wednesday (we are hosting it this week); Ecumenical Study Course – Hoveton/Wroxham area on Thursday at St Helen’s at 7.30pm. Next Station Mass – 12th March at Aylsham.
HCPT 111 (Norwich) will be making a brief appeal at the end of Mass this weekend before taking a retiring collection towards their pilgrimage to Lourdes this Easter.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – Mon 4th March: am; informal pm; presentation byNeil Storey, well-known local historian, on the coastal villages. Everybody welcome.
COFFEE, CAKES AND CHAT at St Helens, Hoveton on this Wednesday between 10.30 and 11.30am. 70p. All Welcome.
BIBLE STUDY GROUP, studying Fr Robert Barron’s Book ‘Catholicism’, meet on Friday 8th March at 2.30pm – 4.00pm in the parish hall. The meeting times have been changed from Tuesdays to the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, they are in the Hall so as to use the DVDs which accompany the book’.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA – Open Meeting on Saturday 9th March at 10.30am: information on the enclosed flier.
HOLY WEEK CHOIR As per last year we are planning to form a special choir for the three major Holy Week Services. It is open for anyone from our three communities to come along. Practices will be held on Thursday 21st March 7.00 -8.30 pm, Saturday 23rd March 1.15 – 2.45 pm and Monday 25th March, 7.00 – 8.30 pm. Do note these dates in your diary.
DIOCESAN VOCATIONS WEBSITE, www.callingeastanglia.org.uk is a new website dedicated to the promotion of Vocations to the Priesthood, Permanent Diaconate and Religious Life in our Diocese. Further information at the back of the church.
THE FOODBANK at North Walsham is very grateful for the kind donation of food received this last week from the Sacred Heart Parish, amounting to 25 kg.
THE CHRISM MASS will take place in the Cathedral on Wednesday 27th March at 7.30pm: Bishop Brian Noble, retired bishop of Shrewsbury, will be presiding. As usual we will have a coach for parishioners; cost £4: picking up at Aylsham 5.15pm; N Walsham 5.35pm and Hoveton 5.50pm: departing the Cathedral at 9.45pm. Please sign the list at the back of the church.
For those wishing to travel independently, please remember there is No Parking in the Cathedral parking areas except for Blue Badge holders who should contact the Cathedral directly (01603 728935) to give their details and ensure that when they attend the Mass they have the Blue Badge to hand.
Stewards are needed in the Cathedral so if anyone would like to assist with stewarding during the Mass please contact Cathedral House (01603 624615) with names etc. and make themselves known to the resident stewards who will be on duty when they arrive.
THE CRIB made by Sheila Hall (NW), which was on display in the porch over the Christmas period, in aid of The Benjamin Foundation, raised a total of £52.50. Many thanks to all who contributed.
TAIZÉ LENTEN PRAYER to be held around the Cross at St John’s Cathedral on Sunday 17th March when we will be welcoming a brother from the TAIZÉ Community. Young people (14+) to be there at 6.00 pm. Everyone else is welcome at 7.00 pm. There will be refreshments at 8.00 pm. More information to be found at the back of the church.
“WITNESS TO TRUTH” (the Third Annual Romero Lecture) given by Mrs Jan Graffius is on Tuesday 19th March at 7.00 for 7.30 pm in the Narthex of St John the Baptist Cathedral, Norwich. Admission and refreshments are free. Please see the poster for details at the back of the church.
Duncan & Mary Edmonds would like to thank everyone at St Helen’s for the beautiful flowers and for making their Golden Wedding celebration last Saturday at St Helens so special. Thank you.
WANTED to rent for 6 months. A retired lady would like a ground floor apartment or a 2 bedroom unfurnished bungalow: non-smoker and no pets. Please phone 07741107169.
MARY EDNEY, previously of this parish, died on 1st February 2013. Her Funeral Mass took place in Ripon. The burial of her ashes will be at N Walsham.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Livia Bligh, Henry (Harry) Traino, John Broom, Ann Hannah Carty, Margaret Peggy Forder, Joan Anna Elsmore, Leslie Alexander Hammond, Jim Bowden, Shaun Browning Tusting and Patrick Anthony Shiell. May they rest in peace. Amen.