Sacred Heart Parish Newsletter
4th Week of Easter 2020
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus condemns the religious leaders who claimed to be shepherds of the people as ‘thieves and brigands’. He is a shepherd who knows his sheep, who calls them by name, whose voice they recognise and follow. In these dark times we hold fast to the Lord asking him to protect us from all that can harm us.
Bishop Alan has written a Pastoral Letter which can be accessed by clicking here.
We are in the process of having the parish website redesigned. The new site should be more functional and attractive, and hopefully include a (supervised) page where parishioners can write their own news, prayer intentions, etc. Please send any suggestions on what you’d like to see included to John “”
“But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass.” Sam Gamgee – ‘Lord Of The Rings – The Two Towers’.
Father James
Mass continues to be celebrated privately at 10.00 am each day in North Walsham.
Remember to pray for our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Tom Ender, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan, Graham Burdett and Mary Carr.
We also remember Bob Maidment whose death last Sunday was a great sadness to all of us. We also pray for Florence Gasper, Doris Beaumont, John Gibbs, Emily Gray, John Russell, James and Nan Byrne, Michael Sheehy, Margery Huxtable, William Kiernan, Ann Kelly, Beatrice Douglas, Marjorie Reynolds and Christopher Smith whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Thanks to all who have already set up a standing order to maintain the parish’s finances. Our account number with Barclay’s is 10246018. The sort code is 20.03.26