Dear Friends,
“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.”
Today, the twenty-second Sunday in ordinary time, the Church encourages us to overcome all reluctance and obstacles and to surrender ourselves to Christ completely. Hence, all the readings of this Sunday lean towards total submission and conformity to Christ. In the first reading Jeremiah realizes he cannot escape his burning desire for God. The second reading tells us that we must allow ourselves to be transformed to be one with Christ. And in the Gospel Jesus explains that following him means making sacrifices. Are we willing to do what it takes to be a disciple?
Father Peter
Next Sunday is Education Day.
Children are invited to attend Faithful Flames on Sunday from 10.30am now held in the presbytery conservatory after first all meeting up with Kerry outside the church.
On Saturday 2nd September, there is a Forum meeting at St Helen’s immediately after Mass on Saturday 2nd September. Do please try to attend.
Sunday 3rd September, there is Forum meeting to be held at the Sacred Heart Church following the Mass. Please, we would urge as many of our congregation as possible to stay for that meeting – to get an up-date on parish matters and a chance to have your say!
A meeting of the PPC (Parish Pastoral Council) will be held this Tuesday 5th September at St Helen, Hoveton, to start at 7.30pm. Any points parishioners would like to be raised please speak to one of your representatives – names are on notice boards in each church.
Nominees are needed in each of our churches (1 for each) so please pick up a form (from your church porch) to nominate a ‘willing’ parishioner to represent you.
The next St Helen’s Coffee Morning will be on Wednesday 6th September at 10.30am. Please do come and join us for refreshment including home-made bakes and a chat with friends for just £2. You will be made most welcome.
SVP East Anglia is holding two open Festival days, on 30th September in Norwich and 1st October in Newmarket. If anyone would like to come along to find out more about the SVP please contact for more details.
Items for the newsletter. It would be helpful to receive news items ideally by Tuesday, or, at the latest by Thursday – please email: or ‘phone 01692 403258.
Annual Shoebox Appeal. May we have your shoeboxes, please! Although a fair while before Christmas, preparation, such as covering said boxes (to save time), collecting appropriate items for the age groups etc. all need to start early. Just bring the boxes to your church and they will be collected.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton, Gerry Francis, Robert Buhagiar, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Shirley Teague and Joan Macnamara.
We pray for Theresa Maguire who has recently died and those whose anniversaries occurred in the last and coming week: Christine Miller, Leokadia Lloyd, Christina Quinn, Catherine (Kitty) Brooder, Anthony Conrad, Beatrice Turton, Joan (Jean) Law, Teresa Moss, Anthony Bateman, Michael McCarthy, Patricia Nelder, Josephine Dady, Ivan Kulas, Willhelmina (Grace) Kay and Pauline Gilmore.
May they rest in peace.