A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
This weekend the Children preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist will be formally welcomed into their time of Preparation.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is now available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
AT ST JOHN OF THE CROSS as part of the Year of Faith, St John of the Cross church, Aylsham, will be open every Friday evening from 6-7pm for private prayer or to sit in the presence of the Lord.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 4th February: am Informal (No computer workshop until further notice); pm AGM and Planning Meeting continued.
BIBLE STUDY GROUP, making a study of Fr Robert Barron’s book “Catholicism”, will meet again next Tuesday 5th February at 2.30 – 4.00pm in the Committee Room, N Walsham. NB Please note new date and change of fortnightly sequence.
Advance Notice: Benediction will be held next Sunday 10th February at 3pm at the Sacred Heart. This is for all the parish.
MARRIAGE (Same-Sex Couples) BILL PLEASE READ & ACT NOW! Although already brought to our attention in recent weeks – (MPs shortly to vote on whether or not to support this fundamental change in the law) – it is of immense and far-reaching importance, also a matter of great urgency, that we uphold real marriage in our laws and act to prevent the “cultural vandalism of same-sex marriage”. We can do this by making our views known to our local MP: the bishops have made it incredibly easy for us by issuing “Speak out for Marriage” printed cards, available in every church. You simply add name of MP to the address on the front and your own name & address below text on the back. You can also give these cards for friends to send.
Owing to pressure from our bishops and others, all political parties have been urged and have agreed to offer all MPs a free vote on this matter of conscience.
SPUC equally reminds us of the urgency: the bill (2nd reading) will be first debated and voted on this Tuesday 5th February around 7pm. so it is essential that these cards reach our MP before that session. You can phone your MP via the House of Commons switchboard: 020 7219 3000 or email from www.writetothem.com Further information to be found on Bishops’ Conference website: www.cbcew.org.uk
SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: – Don’t forget to let Fr David know if there is anyone missing from Mass over a period of weeks and who would like Holy Communion.
RETURN OF THE 3Cs – coffee, cakes & chat is on Wednesday morning, 6th February at St Helen’s: 70p each. All are welcome. This is held monthly.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING PRAYER MEETINGS at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, on Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. Tony & Betty Dady: tel. 01692 402398.
Advance Notice! April 13th – 14th 2013 ‘CELEBRATE EAST ANGLIA’ – a faith-filled weekend for all the family. Mark your diaries!
FOODBANK – Cromer & district Boxes will be placed at the back of our churches for any kind donations of non-perishable food for your local Foodbank. The enclosed “shopping list”, produced by Foodbank, is a useful guide as to what items are in demand – they have told us that they need UHT milk and tinned vegetables in particular, whilst they already have a good stock of baked beans, pasta and tinned tomatoes. Why not take advantage of some of those supermarket multi-buy offers to help a very worthy local cause. More information at cromerdistrict.foodbank.org.uk
WELCOMING COMMUNITIES – Conference on Saturday 9th February at Acle Methodist Church organised by Churches Together on the Broads and North Norfolk District Council. See Churches Together on the Broads website.
INTERNSHIPS For the last ten years the Catholic Bishops’ Conference has organised Parliamentary & Public Policy Internships for recently graduated Catholics. This year they are looking to offer at least 6 internships: 3 will be placed with Christian MPs at Westminster, 2 in public policy with CAFOD and I in a media internship in Archbishop’s House, Westminster. All internships will run from September 2013 – July 2014, include accommodation and subsistence allowances. For full details & application form go to https://www.cbcew.org.uk/catholic-internships Completed forms must be emailed to
interns@cbcew.org.uk or posted to Michaela Kelly, Head of HR, 39 Eccleston Sq., London SW1V 1BX. Closing date is 9am Monday 25th Feb 2013.
DAY OF RENEWAL led by Fr Mark White CP; his theme “Who do you say the Son of Man is?” Saturday 23rd February, from 10am – 4.30pm at Bowthorpe Church Centre, Bowthorpe Hall Rd, Bowthorpe, Norwich. NR5 9AA. For further details go to www.ccr-eastanglia.org.uk or See poster in the porch.
Charles Cornish thanks very much those who made donations in Barbara’s memory to Practical Action. We were able to send £650.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Ivy Lilian Batty, Wasil Mychajlyszyn, John Connolly, André Arnold Boucher and Anna Digney Simpson. May they rest in peace. Amen.