A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS. Thank you for joining us for our Mass, we hope you are enjoying your stay in Norfolk. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (in Aylsham and North Walsham). Our visitors may like to use one of the “one off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
Today we are celebrating the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (transferred back from Monday).
Our Crib Collection this year is for “Crisis”. The collection baskets are at the cribs in each of our churches.
The knitted Crib, at the Sacred Heart, beautifully created by Sheila Hall – donations go to the Benjamin Foundation.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has worked so hard to get our three churches decorated for Christmas. Thanks also go to those involved in the planning and organisation of our Advent and Carol Services, for the music and singing over the Christmas Festival. Thank you to the many people who contribute to the life of the parish by doing various things behind the scenes “week in and week out”. A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL! A special thanks to the children and their Leaders for the contribution at the Carol Service and Christmas family Mass.
From Father David: “ I would like to thank you all for the cards and gifts received during this festive season and a big THANK YOU for the most generous Christmas collection taken on Christmas Day – you have been most generous”.
Thanks to you all also from Deacon Ron for the warmth shown and the support given in the parish and for the Christmas cards and gifts received.
EQUALLY the parish would like to thank Fr David for his unfailing ministry to our three communities in spite of his additional diocesan administrative duties which lasted up until the beginning of July and even now are continuing albeit to a lessor degree as the Bishop’s aid: never falling short, always giving of the maximum. Thank you from our hearts.
Thanks also go to Deacon Ron for his lively participation and output in the life of the parish during what could be called his “working” retirement.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA A big “Okoon charen” (thank you very much) for all your donations for Cambodia in 2013, both financial and in kind. Also, A big THANK YOU to all who have worked so hard during this past year in arranging fund raising events for our Cambodia Funds. For news and pictures of Christmas and New Year celebrations in our twin parish go to “Cambodia blog” on parish website.
A party of six from the parish: Fr David, Bob and Katie Maidment, Carol & David Shippey and Jan Northway will be leaving for Cambodia on 13th January taking your love, prayers and gifts with them. Please pray for a safe and fruitful visit.
NEXT SUNDAY there will be Benediction at North Walsham at 3pm.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK with LITURGICAL CALENDAR (Ordo) 2014 is now available in the church porch at the SPECIAL OFFER price of £3.00 – a very useful booklet, listing Feast/Saints Days and information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
BIBLE GROUP resumes meetings Friday 10th January using a new series of DVDs on “The New Evangelisation” by Fr Robert Barron – a continuation of his book entitled “Catholicism”. The group always welcomes new members.
ST HELEN’S 4th WEDNESDAY CLUB – the next meeting will be on 22nd January 2014.
JOURNEY INTO FAITH resumes meetings on Wednesday 8th January.
BISHOP ALAN INVITES YOU to join him in a Mass for the Sick at St John’s Cathedral, in a Celebration of our Lady of Lourdes: this will include the Sacrament of Anointing. It is on Saturday 15th February 2014 at 12noon. We could run a coach if there are enough takers. Please sign the list in the porch if you would be interested in travelling by coach.
N.B. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes on 22-29 Aug 2014.
THE FURSEY LECTURE The Fursey Pilgrims invite you to a Celebration of the feast of St Fursey at St Cuthbert’s Church, Wroxham Road, Sprowston, Norwich on Saturday 18th January at 3pm. The Celtic Service is followed by light refreshments and then the Fursey Lecture by Dr Nicola Gordon Bowe. £10 for the afternoon which ends at 6pm. A Celebration evening meal will follow (to be pre-booked) at the Forget-me-not Café. Bookings/enquiries 01603 402797 or email info@furseypilgrims.co.uk
RETIRING COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND for Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
CYCLE OF PRAYER (January) : For Peace and Christian Unity.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Arthur Hodgson, Essie Rimmer, Kate (Kit) Denton, Adele Margaret Green, Mahalla Waller, Lilian Pycroft, Eileen Barrett, Mary Bridgett Betts, Wladyslaw Przybyla, Marie Patricia Heath, Michael Dalton and Jeremiah (Jerry) Griffin.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
Fr David and Deacon Ron would like to take this opportunity of wishing Parishioners and our visitors the Peace and Joy of Christmas and every Blessing for the New Year.