Dear Parishioners,
“By faith we know His existence, in glory we shall know His nature.”
We move into the second week of Lent and still there is time for anyone to join the Lenten pilgrimage. We need to note that our journey towards God in and through Christ will not be the easiest, though the safest.
In today’s reading we are reminded of the journey of Abraham and of St. Paul and the Lord’s journey to the mountain. On the mountain, Jesus’ Transfiguration was to allow Jesus to consult his Heavenly Father in order to ascertain His plan for His Son’s suffering, death and Resurrection. The secondary aim was to make his chosen disciples aware of Jesus’ Divine glory, so that they might discard their worldly ambitions and dreams of a conquering political Messiah and might be strengthened in their time of trial. On the mountain, Jesus is identified by the Heavenly Voice as the Son of God. Thus, the Transfiguration narrative is a Christophany, that is, a manifestation or revelation of who Jesus really is. Describing Jesus’ Transfiguration, the Gospel gives us a glimpse of the Heavenly glory awaiting those who do God’s will by putting their trusting Faith in Him.
Please know that I will be away from 6th to 10th March to take part in the clergy retreat in Walsingham. Kindly keep me in your prayers.
Fr Peter
This weekend a Second Collection will be taken for the work of CAFOD.
Stations of the Cross will take place in each of our churches during Lent.
At Aylsham having started on Friday 24th February, Stations of the Cross will follow the Friday 9.30am Mass. Volunteers to lead, please sign on the list in the church. Tea/coffee after Stations.
At Hoveton – on Wednesdays at 10.15am following the 9.30am Mass.
At North Walsham – on Saturdays at 12.30pm following the 12.00-12.30pm Exposition and Confessions.
CAFOD – Lent Appeal This Lent, your donations to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day Appeal (last Friday) will help families fighting the climate crisis and ensure that our Church network can quickly respond to emergencies, like the recent earth-quake in Syria and Turkey. Please give generously this weekend, using the envelope or go to and do join us in praying for CAFOD’s development and emergency response all over the world.
The Diocesan Renewal Team are hosting a Day of Prayer and Renewal in the Holy Spirit on Saturday 11th March from 10am – 4.30pm at Bowthorpe Church Centre, Bowthorpe Hall Road, Norwich. The theme is A Baptism of Fire, and will be led by Derek Williams.
Fr Peter has received a letter of thanks for the parish’s response to the Lepra Appeal – we donated £473.64.
Fr Peter would be grateful if parishioners who have Foundation Masses, arranged annually in our parish, could please contact the parish office (email or by phone) or inform him directly of the details.
Retreat for Young Women (19-30yrs). Led by Secular Franciscans at the Julian Visitor Centre 21st – 23rd April 2023. Pl see poster in church porches. Further details
‘Walk with Me’ – a Lenten Journey of Prayer. More will be available a.s.a.p. from the back of the church at just £1.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton, Gerry Francis, Robert Buhagiar and Alf and Margaret Larkins.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Margaret Ford, Anthony Kelly, Alexander Whitwell, Bernard Sandy, Joan Elsmore, James Brown, Shaun Tusting, Tony Shiell, Agatha Semak and Margaret Battigan.
May they rest in peace.