Dear Friends,
In today’s first reading we hear Isaiah’s powerful imagery of the promised liberation and healing of the needy. This is realised in Mark’s account of the healing miracle of Jesus. The promised times of liberation have arrived in the person of Jesus.
Next weekend Fr Denys Lloyd will be here to celebrate the weekend Masses in my absence. I shall be away on a short break for the following week..
God bless
Father James
At the Sacred Heart, North Walsham, all Masses are accessible from your computer or tablet. Simply go to the parish website and click on ‘Live Streaming’.
It is no longer necessary to book a place at the weekend Masses in any of our three churches. However we are still encouraged to use the QR codes when we arrive at the church or to give our contact details to the stewards.
The Journey in Faith begins this Sunday. The first session will be at 6 pm in Fr James’ house.
Bible study at North Walsham. The next meeting is on Friday 10th September at 2.30pm in the Committee Room.
Tea and coffee will be available in the Sacred Heart parish hall following the Sunday Mass beginning on 19th September. All are welcome. Many thanks to the kitchen volunteers.
At St Helen’s there are now refreshments after the Saturday evening Mass. They will be served, weather permitting, outside by the side entrance. Please take a seat and your order will be taken and brought to you.
Today is Care for Creation Sunday. As a LiveSimply Parish we will be celebrating Climate Themed Masses in each of our 3 churches. This afternoon there will be a 2 mile circular ‘Care for Creation Walk’ in Blickling Park, at 2.30pm from Buck’s Common Car Park. Come and join us on the walk when we will be praying a Novena to St Francis for a world under threat and a Rosary for the Care of Creation. The walk takes approx. 2 hours so you might like to bring along a flask of tea or coffee or a cold drink. Car parking £5 unless an NT member. Please let Rob and Clare Hardie know on 01603 897609;
Next PPC meeting will be on Tuesday 7th September at St John of the Cross, Aylsham, to start at 7.30pm.
Sincere thanks to all who made it to Wickmere on 21st August for the Open Garden & Village Yard Sale in aid of Support Cambodia. Big thanks also to those who weren’t there but contributed in any way to the unbelievable total of £3,082.10 (with further donations to come) for clean water projects in North-West Cambodia, specifically the Ochra Kandal Borewell in Pailin City. Pictures and more on the charity’s Facebook page, accessible to everyone at and on that website under NEWS.
A Candlelit Vigil for Afghanistan will be held in St Nicholas Church, North Walsham on Wednesday 8th September, 7.30-8.30pm. All are welcome to spend time together in prayerful silence and solidarity for those who are in such need.
Sponsored Bike Ride & Walk (Norfolk Churches Trust) takes place on Saturday 11th September 9am – 5pm. Sponsor forms are available in our church porches. At North Walsham, could we have volunteer ’recorders’, on an hourly basis, to receive participants between 9am and 5pm. Please sign against your preferred hour.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley and Mary Carr.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Christina Quinn, Catherine (Kitty) Brooder, Anthony Conrad, Beatrice Turton, Joan (Jean) Law, Teresa Moss, Anthony Bateman,Michael McCarthy, Patricia Nelder, Josephine Dady, Ivan Kulas, Willhelmina (Grace) Kay, Pauline Gilmore and Christopher Beardshaw. May they rest in peace.