3rd Sunday of Lent.
In today’s Gospel reading we hear how Jesus throws the vendors and money-changers out of the Temple. In the light of Easter (for which Lent is a time of preparation) this prophetic act tells us about who Jesus is and the nature of the good news which he proclaimed. From now on the privileged place of meeting between God and man is no longer the Temple but rather the person of the risen Lord.
Holy Week is just a few weeks away. We are planning to celebrate the Holy Week liturgies as in previous years in the Sacred Heart church albeit with restricted numbers and social distancing. However, this will entail extra work for the team of cleaners at north Walsham and they would welcome extra pairs of hands from Aylsham and Hoveton. Let me know if you can help.
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co- ordinator for each church:
John Bolger at Sacred Heart – 01692 581516 (bolger@waitrose.com);
Fran Ludden at Aylsham – 07849 602227 (fran.ludden@btinternet.com);
Richard McGreevy,Hoveton – 01603 738255 (richardmcgreevy@supanet.com)
Please pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We also pray for Tony Randall, Jean Wood, Kevin Fitzmaurice, Teresa Goode, Joan Mullane and John Gowing who died recently; and for those whose anniversaries occur this week including: Shaun Tusting, Tony Shiell, Agatha Semak, Margaret Battigan, John Barry and John Price
May they rest in peace.
Father James
Last week’s collection: £448.30 . Standing orders: £553.00
CAFOD Total: £756.65