Dear Friends,
In today’s Gospel the humble widow offered to God her two small coins, all she had to live on. In the Eucharist Jesus really gives himself to us together with all that we need to live on. On whose side do we see ourselves: that of the scribes who wish to give the appearance of generosity while only disposing of some of their surplus, or that of the poor widow who is content to remain poor by giving everything?
Parents of children who are of 1st Holy Communion age are asked to contact me so that they can be inscribed in the programme for 2015/6.
Father James
Seen in a church in France: ‘Il est possible qu’en entrant cette eglise vous entendiez l’appel de Dieu. Par contre, il est peu probable qu’il vous contacte par telephone’. (It is possible that on entering this church you might hear a divine call. However it is very unlikely that he will contact you by telephone). A charming way of asking people to switch off their mobile phones, don’t you think?
This morning after Mass at North Walsham Kerry and Lauren will be holding a Silent Auction in the Parish Hall, for their fundraising towards World Youth Day. Do please support them.
The Senior Citizens’ Group meets on Monday (9th). AM: Computer Workshop and chair exercises. At 12noon there will be a Remembrance Service remembering deceased members of the group). Please read the enclosed flyer outlining some of the interesting events to come.
Your nominations for 3 new representatives (one for each of our churches) for the Pastoral Parish Council should now be returned to Fr James.
Our Parish diaries are available (free) at the back of our churches – this year, in good time for the coming New Year!
A Support Cambodia RACE NIGHT will be held on Saturday 14th November at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Horses (£5) and jockeys (£3) will be on sale after Mass this weekend and next. So that we have an idea of numbers attending, admission will be by ticket: price £1 – available after Mass or from Bob and Katie on 01263 577784. Bring your friends for a really good night out with quality prizes and help disadvantaged communities in Cambodia at the same time.
Reception Class Intake for September 2016 at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School. If you are interested in a place for your child in the Reception Class at our school in September 2016, we would like to invite you to an information meeting at school on Thursday 19th November at 7pm. On the evening you will be able to meet staff, find out more about the school and the application process. We will also be holding an Open Morning on Thursday 12th November 2015 from 9am – 10.30am, so that you can have a look around our school and see it in action! Please phone the office and let us know if you are coming; our telephone no. is 01603 441484 Thankyou.
We pray for Reg Wood and Ellie Joy who died this last week; we remember their family and friends at this time. We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Michael Reynolds, Rose Dunham, Evelyn Andrews, Peggy Browne, Roger Kerrison, Charles (Tod) Holdstock and Teresa Chapman.
May they rest in peace.
Loving Father,
we pray for those baptised who no longer
or rarely attend Church:
that they will understand and experience in their hearts
that Christ is the source of unconditional
love and reconciliation.
We pray for everyone
who worships in our parish community,
that they may find the right words and means
to invite our absent brothers and sisters
to return to the practice of their faith.