Dear Friends,
Today we celebrate the feast of the baptism of Jesus. After 30 years of hidden growth Jesus, the sinless one, accepts the baptism of John, a doorway through which he passes in search of sinners. He will share in their lot and redirect a fallen world on its true course towards God. For us it is an opportunity to reflect on our own baptism and to renew our commitment to the Lord and to his Church.
Today the Journey in Faith group will meet in the presbytery at 6 pm. This is for anyone who wishes to learn about the Catholic Church.
We are planning to begin the Confirmation course soon. Enrolment forms can be found in each of our churches.
God bless
Father James
Next Sunday is Peace Sunday
Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s, at 3pm – a time for quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation.
The choir at the Sacred Heart would welcome any parishioners who enjoy singing and who would like to join the group. Come along to choir practice at 6.15pm on Wednesdays or speak to Anne Griffiths tel. 01692 404216
A message from Kerry – Thank you so much for your kind donations towards the purchase of toys and resources for the Faithful Flames Children’s Group. The total money donated was £293.15. I am extremely grateful for this; it is going to help a lot. If you would still like to contribute to this group, then please feel free to contact me on 07504048352 and I will happily give you my bank details to do this.
Advent Collections for North Norfolk Food Bank – Many thanks to all those who have donated Advent Boxes for the Food Bank; we have now delivered 24 boxes to Cromer. Please remember to keep donating to the Food Bank after Advent and Christmas as the need is great at the moment and will continue to be so. There are lists in our churches and on the parish website every month.
This year Norwich Food Bank was very well stocked before Christmas and their list of specific items required was small. We at St Helen’s tried to stick to the list but doubled up more on the items requested. We were able to supply 20 or so boxes and bags to the Food Bank. Our container for regular donations throughout the year will again be in the narthex from this weekend.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, John Bradley, Paul Watson, Sheila Condon and Patricia Newton.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Hilary Bolger and extend our sympathies to John and the Bolger family: she died very suddenly on the evening of Thursday 30th December. She will be sadly missed. May she rest in peace.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Marie Heath, Jayne Youngman, Michael Dalton, Jeremiah (Jerry) Griffin, Constance Keeble, Ben Bianco, Kathleen Holdstock, Romano Pagani, Anne Holmes, Dorothy Henderson and Ursula Springer.
May they rest in peace