A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after Mass (in Aylsham and North Walsham). You may like to use a “one off” gift-aid envelope for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
LENT 2014 We have now started on our spiritual journey through this solemn yet beautiful Season, in preparation for the greatest celebration of all – Easter. This time of Lent provides us with the opportunity to follow more closely in the footsteps of Jesus. If you were not in church last weekend, do pick up the mauve leaflet ‘Lent 2014’ that was enclosed in last week’s bulletin; in it you will find listed all the Masses, Services and Devotions taking place over the coming weeks, events that can help us on our journey. You can also find it by clicking here on this website.
“Walk with Me” booklet – only a few copies left.
“Bird’s eye view” for the start of Lent: Stations of the Cross –
Hoveton: Wednesday mornings following 9.30am Mass.
Aylsham: Friday mornings following 9.30am Mass .
North Walsham: Fridays of Lent at 12noon.
Lent Lunches – North Walsham on Thursday and Aylsham on Friday (see booklet for venues).
Night Prayer at St John of the Cross, Aylsham on this Wednesday (12th) at 7.00pm.
Ecumenical Study Course – Hoveton on Thursday 13th (7-8.30pm). This week Fr David is leading the group at St Helens “Prayer as enjoying God”.
Station Mass – celebrated by Bishop Alan Hopes at St Joseph’s Church Sheringham on Thursday 27th March at 7.30pm. It is important that we support this first official deanery visit of our bishop.
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral this Sunday (9th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church at Easter. We have Tony Sea-borne-Howard, John Gowing and Peter Brander from our own parish. The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support. Also: 13 young people from our twinned Parish in Svay Sisophon, Cambodia, will be taking their 2nd Step into the Catholic Church at Battambang this weekend. Please hold them in your prayers.
CAFOD Lenten Fast Day – Friday 14th March. CAFOD envelopes will be distributed this weekend (and a Prayer Card) for returning next week in the 2nd collection. We unite ourselves with the hungry of the world by fasting on Friday.
ALTAR SERVERS Any boy or girl, who has already made their First Communion, and who would like to become an altar server, please speak to Fr David.
FORTHCOMING PARISH EVENTS : Ecumenical Prayer Meeting Tues 11th March, 2-3.30pm at 25 Sendall Rd North Walsham.
Bible Group meet Friday 14th March in the Parish hall at 2.30pm.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP – Mon 10th March: am. Comp.Workshop; pm. A talk by Deacon Ron on “What Women in the Church have given to the Church”.
SOUPS, SLIDES & CRAFTS in aid of Support Cambodia on Saturday 22nd March from 12noon – 1.30pm at The Sacred Heart Parish hall. Tickets £3: available from Clare (Aylsham), Celia (Hoveton) or Adrian (NW) or Katie on 01263 577784. Details on the Cambodia notice boards in church. Please bring friends and family and advertise the event in your area.
GIFT AID ENVELOPE BOXES 2014/15 for the new Tax Year are available at the rear of the church. Please take your named box. Unnumbered boxes are also available for parishioners who wish to use envelopes but have not “gift aided” their offering. Please let Fr David know if you have any queries.
CELEBRATE EAST ANGLIA 31st May – 1st June at St Benedict’s School, Bury St Edmunds. This was so successful last year that the diocese is running it again. Pick up a flyer from the porch – it’s for all ages and well worth attending.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED – Marriage Care, Norfolk, seeking 2 people to join the management team who deliver a valuable service to those preparing for marriage and for married couples:- Please contact Mary Clark (01603 250649) for details of the posts offered or eemail mclark182@hotmail.com The AGM will be held in late March, when it is hoped that these posts will be filled.
THREE DIFFERENT RETREATS running in March & April, at the Quiet Waters Christian Retreat House, Flixton Rd. Bungay, NR35 1PD. Information on fliers or phone 01986 893201 or wwwquietwaters.org.uk
ROOF CONCERT at St John of the Cross, Aylsham on Friday 4th April at 7.30pm in aid of the church roof repairs. Details of a thoroughly entertaining “home-bred” concert to follow! Make a note in your diaries now!
OUR CHILDREN PREPARING FOR THEIR FIRST COMMUNION Please keep in your prayers this week the children of our parish celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on this coming Saturday (15th).
TEACHING POST The Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Peterborough require a Headteacher from September 2014. For more information please visit the Diocesan Website: www.catholiceastanglia.org or see notice board.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including William Maloney, Agatha Semak, Muriel Nellie Portallion, John Edward Barry, John Richard Price, William Lee, Cynthia Shearing and Michael Sherry.
May they rest in peace. Amen.