Sacred Heart Parish Newsletter
5th Week of Easter 2020
Today’s Gospel tells us that to follow Jesus is to find our way to the presence of God. Jesus himself is that way, as he says. He is also the truth because he is the expression of the Absolute which we human beings seek and for which we were created. He is the life, by the gift he makes continually of himself. He is the way, the truth and the life because he is one with God. He is in the Father and the Father is in him.
Katie Maidment writes: “Heartfelt thanks to everyone in the parish for the wonderful support, messages, cards and prayers received following the loss of Bob.
He will be laid to rest by Fr James in Aylsham Cemetery on Thursday 14th May at 1pm. The short service will be attended by a restricted number with family flowers only. Donations to Support Cambodia /Priscilla Bacon Lodge via Ivan Fisher Funeral Home, Aylsham are welcome. A Mass of Thanksgiving will be held later, when circumstances permit”.
Father James
Mass continues to be celebrated privately at 10.00 am each day in North Walsham. On Thursday the Mass will be offered for Bob Maidment.
Remember to pray for our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Tom Ender, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan, Graham Burdett and Mary Carr.
We remember Bob Maidment and those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Florence Dady, Lilian Davis, Olive Carr, Joseph Mackin, Elizabeth Buchanan, Winifred Madden, Joan Harmer, Margaret Douglas, Veronica White, Elizabeth Uden and Terence Gigli.
Thanks to all who have already set up a standing order to maintain the parish’s finances. Our account number with Barclay’s is 10246018. The sort code is 20.03.26