“The Church has water and tears, the water of baptism and the tears of repentance.”
Homecoming is the central theme of the Scripture readings for the Second Sunday of Advent. All three readings focus on the absolute necessity of our getting ready for Christ’s “Homecoming” into our hearts and lives by true repentance, reparation, prayer and the renewal of our lives.They also remind us that the past coming of Jesus some 2000 years ago, the present daily coming of Jesus into our lives through the Eucharistic celebration, through the Scriptures and through the praying community, and his future coming (the Second Coming) are actually the fulfilment of God’s saving plan for us all, from all eternity.
Father Peter
Next Weekend there will be a Second Collection for the Dependent Priests’ Fund.
The Pope’s Intention for the Month of December: persons with disabilities. We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusive programs which value their active participation.
Sunday 24th Dec (4th Sunday of Advent): 9.00am Aylsham; 11.00am North Walsham.
Christmas Eve. (starts) 6.00pm Family Mass at N. Walsham. 9.00pm “Mid-night Mass” Aylsham (First Mass of Christmas).
Christmas Day. 9.00am Hoveton; 11.00am North Walsham.
St John of the Cross: Patronal Feast is on Thursday 14th Dec. Mass will be celebrated at 7pm followed by refreshments.
Key Register. Please could people who hold keys for the Church, hall, presbytery (house) or safe let either Peter, Antonia or Fr Peter know a.s.a.p. or complete one of the slips now at the back of each church. If you have keys no longer in use, please return to one of the above. Many thanks, Peter Brander.
PARISH SERVICE OF RECONCILIATION will be held on Saturday 16th December at 12noon at the Sacred Heart Church.
Please take note that the parish hall is officially a BUILDING SITE. Strictly no admittance on health and safety grounds.
The Sacred Heart’s church flowers for Christmas. On Sunday, following the Mass, there will be a collection towards the provision of flowers to decorate the church. Donations much appreciated.
North Norfolk SVP. Healing Mass Mon 18th Dec. at 2pm. at Our Lady of Refuge Church, Cromer. Refreshments afterwards. Confessions at 1pm. Please let Lorraine know (01263 712288 or 07775 812313) that you are coming.
Service of Advent Carols & Readings at St Helen’s Church is at 3pm today, Sunday 10th December, followed by refreshments.
A Service of Carols & Readings at the Sacred Heart Church is on Sunday 17th December at 3pm. Very regretfully and after much consideration, it is felt that owing to the unfinished state of the parish hall and thereby difficulty in conveying necessary items to the church, we are unable to provide refreshments following the service. However, come and enjoy the Christmas readings and music.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Robert Buhagiar, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Shirley Teague, Joan Macnamara and Richard Skelton.
For Michael Haughton’s Funeral: Reception into St Helen’s at 3pm on Tuesday 19th. Requiem Mass is at 10.30am on Wednesday 20th December and then Cromer Crematorium. This is followed by a reception at the Rising Sun at Coltishall.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this week: Jean Gawthorpe, Mary Fogarty, Mildred Parker, Ivan Fisher, Peter Higgs, Mary (Lily) Smith and Teresa (Tess) Semple.
May they rest in peace.