A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
LENT 2013 is almost here! You will find in the insert enclosed our Parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass that day. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat. Monday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
“Walk with Me” – a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2013 that, coming in the Year of Faith, invites us in a special way, with God’s help, to grow in grace and mature in faith. It is an excellent little book for daily reflection throughout Lent; at a special price of just £1 – to be found at the back of the church.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon (Sunday) at 3pm in North Walsham: the theme will be “Preparation for the Journey”. This is for the whole parish.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
CONFIRMATION Our young people intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 26th April will be asked today to formally make that decision at our celebration of Mass in Aylsham this weekend. They renew their faith together and make an act of commitment, including the signing of the Inscription Document. Fr David officially accepts them as candidates for Confirmation in the name of the bishop.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 11th February: am Informal; pm Bingo led by Maria (weather permitting).
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral next Sunday (17th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter (we have Keith Hartree from our own parish). The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING Prayer Meetings at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. 01692 402398.
ROTAS (NW) for Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch.
A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
LENT 2013 is almost here! You will find in the insert enclosed our Parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass that day. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat. Monday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
“Walk with Me” – a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2013 that, coming in the Year of Faith, invites us in a special way, with God’s help, to grow in grace and mature in faith. It is an excellent little book for daily reflection throughout Lent; at a special price of just £1 – to be found at the back of the church.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon (Sunday) at 3pm in North Walsham: the theme will be “Preparation for the Journey”. This is for the whole parish.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
CONFIRMATION Our young people intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 26th April will be asked today to formally make that decision at our celebration of Mass in Aylsham this weekend. They renew their faith together and make an act of commitment, including the signing of the Inscription Document. Fr David officially accepts them as candidates for Confirmation in the name of the bishop.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 11th February: am Informal; pm Bingo led by Maria (weather permitting).
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral next Sunday (17th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter (we have Keith Hartree from our own parish). The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING Prayer Meetings at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. 01692 402398.
ROTAS (NW) for Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch.
A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
LENT 2013 is almost here! You will find in the insert enclosed our Parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass that day. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat. Monday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
“Walk with Me” – a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2013 that, coming in the Year of Faith, invites us in a special way, with God’s help, to grow in grace and mature in faith. It is an excellent little book for daily reflection throughout Lent; at a special price of just £1 – to be found at the back of the church.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon (Sunday) at 3pm in North Walsham: the theme will be “Preparation for the Journey”. This is for the whole parish.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
CONFIRMATION Our young people intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 26th April will be asked today to formally make that decision at our celebration of Mass in Aylsham this weekend. They renew their faith together and make an act of commitment, including the signing of the Inscription Document. Fr David officially accepts them as candidates for Confirmation in the name of the bishop.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 11th February: am Informal; pm Bingo led by Maria (weather permitting).
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral next Sunday (17th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter (we have Keith Hartree from our own parish). The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING Prayer Meetings at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. 01692 402398.
ROTAS (NW) for Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch.
YEAR OF FAITH “VATICAN II on ECUMENISM & INTERFAITH DIALOGUE” by The Most Revd. Archbishop Kevin McDonald, (Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark) on Saturday 16th February: 10.30am – 3pm at The Conference Centre, The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich. NR14 7SH. Please bring a packed lunch; tea/coffee will be provided.
From the Diocese of East Anglia:
In this Year of Faith, we seek to recognise Catholic women who work to pass on the Faith to the next generation: in the family, the school, the parish and the wider community.
We invite nominations for the 2013 Catholic Women of the Year. All that is needed is a short letter explaining why this particular Catholic woman should be honoured: it should mention her activities, involvement with parish or other groups, and the special qualities that she brings. Nominations can be from anyone and should be sent to: CWOY, 22 Milton Road, Ware SG12 0PZ or email
mijamajoje@ntlworld.com to arrive by April 30th 2013.
BURNS NIGHT – a big thank you for all the support and participation we had that night, especially in raising a spectacular £1,400. Particular thanks to Mark & Clare for their catering (The Cockerall); special thanks must also go to those who organised such a successful event. The funds are to help Group 111 HCPT when they take disabled children to Lourdes this Easter.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – Minutes of the meeting of 22nd November are now on the website and on church noticeboards.
FOODBANK – Cromer & district Please place your donations of non-perishable food in the boxes provided at the back of our churches. Thank you. Information at cromerdistrict.foodbank.org.uk
RACE NIGHT will take place on Saturday 2nd March at 7pm in the parish hall, North Walsham. It is in aid of Clare and Amelia who will be taking children to Lourdes with the HCPT: there will also be a raffle in aid of Support Cambodia. Please note this date in your diary to come along – it’s always good fun! Horses & jockeys will be sold after each weekend Mass leading up to the event. Please bring your own drinks. Contact Clare Glenn on 01263 734853 or clareglenn@ymail.com for any other information.
SICK AND HOUSEBOUND – Don’t forget to let Fr David know if there is anyone missing from Mass over a period of weeks and who would like Holy Communion
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including June Imelda Trafford, Robert Michael Watson, Beatrice Mary Devitt and Edward Francis Brown. May they rest in peace. Amen.
YEAR OF FAITH “VATICAN II on ECUMENISM & INTERFAITH DIALOGUE” by The Most Revd. Archbishop Kevin McDonald, (Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark) on Saturday 16th February: 10.30am – 3pm at The Conference Centre, The White House, 21 Upgate, Poringland, Norwich. NR14 7SH. Please bring a packed lunch; tea/coffee will be provided.
From the Diocese of East Anglia:
In this Year of Faith, we seek to recognise Catholic women who work to pass on the Faith to the next generation: in the family, the school, the parish and the wider community.
We invite nominations for the 2013 Catholic Women of the Year. All that is needed is a short letter explaining why this particular Catholic woman should be honoured: it should mention her activities, involvement with parish or other groups, and the special qualities that she brings. Nominations can be from anyone and should be sent to: CWOY, 22 Milton Road, Ware SG12 0PZ or email
mijamajoje@ntlworld.com to arrive by April 30th 2013.
BURNS NIGHT – a big thank you for all the support and participation we had that night, especially in raising a spectacular £1,400. Particular thanks to Mark & Clare for their catering (The Cockerall); special thanks must also go to those who organised such a successful event. The funds are to help Group 111 HCPT when they take disabled children to Lourdes this Easter.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – Minutes of the meeting of 22nd November are now on the website and on church noticeboards.
FOODBANK – Cromer & district Please place your donations of non-perishable food in the boxes provided at the back of our churches. Thank you. Information at cromerdistrict.foodbank.org.uk
RACE NIGHT will take place on Saturday 2nd March at 7pm in the parish hall, North Walsham. It is in aid of Clare and Amelia who will be taking children to Lourdes with the HCPT: there will also be a raffle in aid of Support Cambodia. Please note this date in your diary to come along – it’s always good fun! Horses & jockeys will be sold after each weekend Mass leading up to the event. Please bring your own drinks. Contact Clare Glenn on 01263 734853 or clareglenn@ymail.com for any other information.
SICK AND HOUSEBOUND – Don’t forget to let Fr David know if there is anyone missing from Mass over a period of weeks and who would like Holy Communion
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including June Imelda Trafford, Robert Michael Watson, Beatrice Mary Devitt and Edward Francis Brown. May they rest in peace. Amen.
LENT 2013 is almost here! You will find in the insert enclosed our Parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass that day. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat. Monday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
“Walk with Me” – a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2013 that, coming in the Year of Faith, invites us in a special way, with God’s help, to grow in grace and mature in faith. It is an excellent little book for daily reflection throughout Lent; at a special price of just £1 – to be found at the back of the church.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon (Sunday) at 3pm in North Walsham: the theme will be “Preparation for the Journey”. This is for the whole parish.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
CONFIRMATION Our young people intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 26th April will be asked today to formally make that decision at our celebration of Mass in Aylsham this weekend. They renew their faith together and make an act of commitment, including the signing of the Inscription Document. Fr David officially accepts them as candidates for Confirmation in the name of the bishop.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 11th February: am Informal; pm Bingo led by Maria (weather permitting).
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral next Sunday (17th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter (we have Keith Hartree from our own parish). The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING Prayer Meetings at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. 01692 402398.
ROTAS (NW) for Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch.
A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
LENT 2013 is almost here! You will find in the insert enclosed our Parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass that day. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat. Monday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
“Walk with Me” – a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2013 that, coming in the Year of Faith, invites us in a special way, with God’s help, to grow in grace and mature in faith. It is an excellent little book for daily reflection throughout Lent; at a special price of just £1 – to be found at the back of the church.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon (Sunday) at 3pm in North Walsham: the theme will be “Preparation for the Journey”. This is for the whole parish.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
CONFIRMATION Our young people intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 26th April will be asked today to formally make that decision at our celebration of Mass in Aylsham this weekend. They renew their faith together and make an act of commitment, including the signing of the Inscription Document. Fr David officially accepts them as candidates for Confirmation in the name of the bishop.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 11th February: am Informal; pm Bingo led by Maria (weather permitting).
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral next Sunday (17th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter (we have Keith Hartree from our own parish). The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING Prayer Meetings at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. 01692 402398.
ROTAS (NW) for Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch.
A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
LENT 2013 is almost here! You will find in the insert enclosed our Parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass that day. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat. Monday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
“Walk with Me” – a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2013 that, coming in the Year of Faith, invites us in a special way, with God’s help, to grow in grace and mature in faith. It is an excellent little book for daily reflection throughout Lent; at a special price of just £1 – to be found at the back of the church.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon (Sunday) at 3pm in North Walsham: the theme will be “Preparation for the Journey”. This is for the whole parish.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
CONFIRMATION Our young people intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 26th April will be asked today to formally make that decision at our celebration of Mass in Aylsham this weekend. They renew their faith together and make an act of commitment, including the signing of the Inscription Document. Fr David officially accepts them as candidates for Confirmation in the name of the bishop.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 11th February: am Informal; pm Bingo led by Maria (weather permitting).
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral next Sunday (17th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter (we have Keith Hartree from our own parish). The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING Prayer Meetings at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. 01692 402398.
ROTAS (NW) for Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch.
A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS: You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (Aylsham and North Walsham).
LENT 2013 is almost here! You will find in the insert enclosed our Parish programme for this very special Season. Do please read it and begin planning your personal journey for Lent so that you are ready and focused for a good start on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Mass will be celebrated in each of our churches (see back page for times) to enable as many as possible to come to Mass that day. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, meaning traditionally that we reduce our food intake and do not eat meat. Monday is World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
“Walk with Me” – a Lenten Journey of Prayer for 2013 that, coming in the Year of Faith, invites us in a special way, with God’s help, to grow in grace and mature in faith. It is an excellent little book for daily reflection throughout Lent; at a special price of just £1 – to be found at the back of the church.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon (Sunday) at 3pm in North Walsham: the theme will be “Preparation for the Journey”. This is for the whole parish.
“Doorway to Faith” (booklet)- part 2 is available in the church porch at the special price of just £1.00. This is highly recommended for this “Year of Faith”.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK & LITURGICAL CALENDAR 2013 available in the porch: cost £3 – (50p reduction on the cover price); a very useful booklet listing Feast/Saints Days, information on the diocese and all its parishes. An excellent buy!
CONFIRMATION Our young people intending to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 26th April will be asked today to formally make that decision at our celebration of Mass in Aylsham this weekend. They renew their faith together and make an act of commitment, including the signing of the Inscription Document. Fr David officially accepts them as candidates for Confirmation in the name of the bishop.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 11th February: am Informal; pm Bingo led by Maria (weather permitting).
THE RITE OF ELECTION takes place in the Cathedral next Sunday (17th) for those of the diocese who are to be Baptised or Received into full Communion with the Catholic Church this Easter (we have Keith Hartree from our own parish). The Service takes place at 4.00pm and anyone is welcome to go along and give their prayerful support.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING Prayer Meetings at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, Tuesdays. Next meeting; 12th February; 2-3.30pm. 01692 402398.
ROTAS (NW) for Eucharistic Ministers are available in the porch.