A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have an enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our weekend Masses and meet some of our parishioners.
TODAY is World Day of Prayer for Vocations. There is a 2nd Collection for the “Priests’ Training Fund”. Envelopes for this collection are available today with a section to fill in for those who wish to gift aid. A booklet is available, free, entitled Praying for Vocations; it invokes the intercession of Mary through the Rosary, for Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life, with contemplative prayers and images accompanying the four mysteries.
THE ROSARY (North Walsham) The Rosary is said at 10.30am prior to Mass during the Sundays of May. Those who would like to lead the Rosary please sign the list in the porch. There are similar arrangements for Aylsham & Hoveton. Leaflets on how to pray the Rosary are available – 30p each; proceeds to Cambodia.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GRP: am. Computer Workshop; pm. Celebration of John Barnwell’s 80th birthday from noon onwards. Congratulations John!
SUPPORT CAMBODIA PLANT SALE – Saturday 17th May (NW) from 10.30am onwards. Hopefully you have had trouble-free growing this year and we are very grateful for any donations of plants that you have for the Plant Sale. If you are able to “freshen up” your plants (clipping dead foliage/refreshing topsoil) – this always help to make a sale on the day. It would be much appreciated if you could leave your plants next to Fr David’s BBQ (back of the Presbytery) during the coming week. Thank you for your support!
INFORMATION SHEET The enclosed leaflet gives detailed information on our Cambodian Parish Twinning and the role of Support Cambodia. Please do read it.
EVENSONG is at Heydon Parish Church today, Sunday 11th May, at 5pm. It is an ecumenical service at which Fr David will be preaching. Light refreshments available following the service. All from the area are welcome.
AGM (Churches Together in Aylsham) – will be held in the Jubilee Centre, Norwich Road this Sunday afternoon, 11th May, at 3.00pm. All are welcome.
FOUR NEW MYSTERY PLAYS at Bergh Apton Church, Norfolk on Saturday 24th May & Sundays 1st & 8th June. Bookings to be made in advance – email: mysteryplay@berghapton.org.uk or ring 01508 480696. For information go to www.facebook.com/berghaptonmysteryplays
CHRISTIAN AID – North Walsham – is this Thursday 15th May: please ring 01692 404822 (mobile no. 0790 3244658) if you can help with the street collection..
A watch was found a few weeks ago at the Sacred Heart Church. See Fr David.
OUR FAREWELL TO FATHER DAVID is on Sunday 18th May at 12noon, following the morning Mass at North Walsham; there will be a “Bring and Share” buffet lunch in the parish hall for us to say farewell to Fr David.
MISSION TEAM LEADER The Diocesan Youth Service wishes to appoint a Mission Team Leader: this is a fulltime residential position. Closing date for applications is 26th May. For information/application pack please go to www.catholiceastanglia and click on the Mission Team link.
QUIZ & CHIPS at St John of the Cross, Aylsham is on Saturday 24th May at 6.30pm. Tickets £6 – proceeds go to the Roof Fund; numbers by Sunday 18th May please.
CHILDREN’S PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM is on Tuesday 27th May, during the school half-term holiday. Procession from the village starts at 10.45am: Mass is at 12noon in the Chapel of Reconciliation followed by a picnic in the meadows. Hopefully the day ends on the beach at nearby Wells-Next-The -Sea. There is no coach as many wish to travel in their own cars.
DIOCESAN CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE St John’s Cathedral, Norwich on Saturday 21st June at 11.00am; details to follow.
TEACHING POST: St Alban’s Catholic High School, Ipswich Chaplain required from September 2014. Please visit www.catholiceastanglia.org
ADMISSIONS to St Francis of Assisi RC Primary School for September 2015. In order to be placed in the category “Baptised Roman Catholic Children” children should be baptised before July 31st 2014. If baptised after this date they will be placed in a separate lower category. For more information tel. 01603 441484 or email: office@st-francisofassisi.norfolk.sch.uk
“CATHOLIC East Anglia” (our diocesan monthly newspaper) is available in our churches, FREE. Do pick up a copy to read of events that have taken place and those that are to come.
We welcome into God’s family through the waters of Baptism: Breanna Gabrielle Carter-Kinbb.
We pray for Charles Cornish, who sadly and unexpectedly died in the early hours of Wednesday morning, and we remember his family and friends in prayer. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Florence Grace Dady, Olive Edna Carr, Winifred (Joan) Madden, Joan Kathleen Harmer, Margaret Christine Douglas, Elizabeth Uden and Terence Michael Gigli.
May they rest in peace. Amen.