Dear Friends,
A key word in today’s readings is ’chosen’: ‘you did not choose me, no I chose you’ (John 15:16). Amos is chosen to prophecy to the people even though he has no experience – he is a simple shepherd. Yet he knows that his call is genuine and he must respond to it.
In the second reading when Paul speaks of ’us’ he is referring to the Jews who were chosen before the world was made to receive the revelation of Christ. When he says ’you’ he means all nations who will receive the good news of the Gospel and become the new people of God.
In the Gospel reading Jesus summons the Twelve that he has chosen and sends them out with his message and a share in his own Messianic powers.
All these readings remind us that discipleship is always a response to a divine call. It is no soft option; it requires single-minded dedication and trust in God’s providence. So many saints and prophets over the centuries have shown us how demanding it is to be a disciple of Christ and how costly, in human terms, it can be. The message can be unwelcome; the messengers will often face opposition and even persecution.
Father James
At the Sacred Heart all Masses are accessible from your computer. Click here or go the parish website and click on ‘Live Streaming’.
If you wish to attend a Sunday Mass you need to book a place with the co-ordinator for each church. Important: Should you find you are unable to attend please make contact with your co-ordinator to cancel that booking and ‘free up’ a place for somebody else.
John Bolger at N.Walsham: 01692 581516 (
Fran Ludden at Aylsham: 07849 602227 (
R.McGreevy,Hoveton:01603738255 (
Today is Sea Sunday. We will support the work of the Apostolate of the Sea by a retiring collection.
The end of Covid restrictions. On July 19th has been set as the date when most restrictions will be lifted. It is not yet clear what this will mean in practice, not least for our churches. Our bishops will provide guidelines for us to follow, probably next week. Every parish will have to decide how best to implement them in a safe and prudent way. Each of our three communities will need to have a ’conversation’ in the shape of an informal forum. This will take place after the weekday Masses next week and at the Sunday Masses.
Readers of the Word: When restrictions are lifted and we return to the regular features in the Mass, we will need more readers. Please let us know if you would like to read in church – it is a very rewarding experience for the reader.
PPC Minutes are now available on the parish website under “Parish Life”: click here. Copies are available on request.
The afternoon in the garden at North Walsham will be held on Saturday 24th July from 2 – 5pm. This is a great opportunity for all three of our communities to come together socially. Also to meet my family who will be here over that weekend. It would be helpful if you could let Antonia know (names and contact numbers) if you can help with teatime refreshments – cakes, etc.
Lists are in church porches to give us some idea of numbers. Please add your name to the list if you wish to attend.
For those who appreciate organ music lunchtime recitals are being held at St Nicholas Church in North Walsham on Thursdays at 12.30pm through out the month. Admission is free and you are welcome to bring your own lunch. Please see poster for details.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell and Mary Carr.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Patrick Treacy, Gloria Moolchan, Angela Brooke, Edward Uden, Mario Periera and Rhoda Egan. May they rest in peace.