A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
There is no Children’s Liturgy until September
BENEDICTION is this Sunday (NW) at 3pm. This is for the whole parish.
THURSDAY is The Assumption of Mary – it is a holyday of obligation. Times of Masses in the parish are on the back of the newsletter. Fr Michael Rear has kindly offered to celebrate the morning Masses and Clare Hardie’s uncle Bob – retired bishop from New Zealand, will celebrate the evening Mass. We are very grateful to both for their help.
TO HONOUR ARCHBISHP ROMERO a reliquary and Salvadoran Cross, creating a special “Romero Space” for prayer is being created at St George’s Catholic Cathedral, Southwark. This is a venture of the Archdiocese of Southwark in collaboration with the Archbishop Romero Trust and CAFOD; although no money raised by these charities is being used on this project. It is a “one-off” national appeal for those who would like to be associated with it. Bishop Michael heard about this project just before his death and was one of the first to contribute to the fund as he had a special devotion to Archbishop Romero – a modern martyr of the Christian faith. The dedication of this “prayer area” to Bishop Michael is because he was originally a priest of the Archdiocese of Southwark and was a founding member of the Archbishop Romero Trust. The Cross was commissioned from the renowned Salvadoran artist Fernando Llort and the 4 metre high cross has been made in El Salvador, so the country itself is benefiting from this project. If you would like to donate towards the Romero Cross and Memorial there is a basket at the back of the church as you leave Mass today. The Ecumenical Service of Prayer for the blessing and dedication is on Thursday 19th September at 6.00pm, led by Archbishop Peter Smith and the preacher is Mgr Ricado Urioste from San Salvador.
PRAYER INTENTION BOOK Don’t forget there is one by the Lady Chapel in the Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham. Please feel free to add your intentions. It is usually placed on the altar at our Saturday morning Mass.
OUR ANNUAL MASS IN THE GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE (North Walsham) takes place on Wednesday 21st August at 6.00pm. Everyone is welcome but especially those who have their loved one’s ashes buried there. If it is wet, Mass will be held in the church.
YOUTH 2000 a FESTIVAL entitled “Kingdom Come” for young Adults at Walsingham 22-26th August. There are some cards at the back of church giving more details. It is well worth going along – a great time of deepening one’s faith and celebrating with other Catholics from all over the Country and beyond.
Message from Sarah Shippey recently back from World Youth Day in Rio:
“What a wonderful time I had at World Youth Day in Rio! It was, like all WYDs, an unforgettable experience. Thank you all for your generosity in helping me make this very special trip. I felt immensely privileged to represent not only our parish and deanery but also the county of Norfolk in Rio.
I shall have a small display and slide show/power point at coffee after Mass this weekend and will be happy to tell you about my WYD experience and answer questions if I can. God bless you all. Thanks again, Sarah”.
THE BIBLE GROUP in North Walsham put aside their Bibles to spend ten sessions with Fr Robert Barron and his DVDs called “Catholicism, A Journey to the Heart of the Faith”. Those attending were greatly inspired (ask them!). It is now hoped that this programme can be moved to both Aylsham and Hoveton (a television with DVD facility is needed). We feel that the opportunity to experience this outstanding and beautiful journey, should be taken up by as many as possible. Please contact Deacon Ron if you would like to attend the sessions.
A REMINDER to all who organise parish events. In order to avoid clashes, please make sure your date are on the Parish Website Calendar. This should be done via either Clare Hardie (01603 890609) or Antonia at the Parish Office on sacredheart@computer-assist.net
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached either by phoning 07501 265779 or via email: pssacredheart@outlook.com
Future dates for your diary:
DOWRY OF MARY PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham: Sun 8th September.
INVOCATION – St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham on Saturday 12th October. Again this is for young people particularly thinking about their lives and what God may be saying to them. See Poster in the Porch for more details.
We welcome into God’s family through the waters of Baptism: Isabella Rose Capil.
We pray all those who anniversaries are at this time including: Elspeth Mary Forrest, Brian Victor de Soissons, Bernard John Eyre, Sheila Monica Chard, Audrey Jean Miller and Barbara Jackson. May they rest in peace. Amen.