Dear Friends,
In the exchange between God and Moses an important point is being made. Moses asks God for mercy ’for this people of yours whom you brought out of Egypt’. In effect he is saying that because they are God’s people he must relent.
This weekend will be my last in the parish after which I will go and stay with my sister in Liverpool while arrangements for my retirement home are finalised. Father Peter Raj, your new parish priest, will arrive on Wednesday of this week. I know that you will give him a warm welcome.
On Monday, 26th September Bishop Alan will come to the parish to administer the sacrament of Confirmation to a group of our young people. The Mass will be at 6 pm at North Walsham.
Father James
Faithful Flames Children’s Group meets in the parish hall at 10.30am, our usual time. This is for all children up to the age of 16. It will be great to see you! Kerry – 0750 4048352.
Today, Sunday, is Education Day. Next Sunday is Home Mission Day and there will be a retiring Collection.
Holy Hour & Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays at St Helen’s at 3pm – a time for quiet reflection, meditation and contemplation.
Still urgently needed, rented accommodation – for one more family of care workers in the North Walsham area who have joined our church community: looking for flats, houses. Please phone the parish office on 01692 403258 or email
The Diocesan newspaper is now available free of charge. Please help yourself.
There will be a presentation and a farewell party to mark Father James’ final weekend as our Parish Priest at St Helen’s on Saturday 10th September after Mass; similarly on Sunday, following the Mass at Aylsham and again at the Sacred Heart.
Record of the AGM held on Monday 25th July is now published on the parish website and is also available as hard copies in each church.
St John of the Cross has now resumed choir rehearsals. New members with commitment and enthusiasm will be warmly welcomed. Please contact Katie on 01263 577784.
St John’s Ambulance are looking for volunteers to restart the Hospital Library Service. If anyone is interested in becoming an HLS Volunteer in the North Walsham area please ring Lorraine on 07775 812313 or email:
Our prayers and good wishes go to Lauren Thorpe who was married to Dylan Wilcox at the Sacred Heart Church on Saturday.
We pray for Kevin Gibbons and Michael Hawley who died recently and also our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant and Celia Cooper.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Peter Bonsall, Paula Seamons and Jane Cousal.
The death of our sovereign, Queen Elizabeth, has affected us all. In sadness we mourn her loss, in gratitude we recognise her unique contribution to the life of our nation over so many years. We lovingly commend her to God whom she served so faithfully.