Easter is a time for hope. In this difficult time we hold fast to our faith and we reach out to others in charitable love. But our hearts and spirits yearn for hope. This is the prayer of Pope Francis: ‘open our hearts to hope’.
Easter is the triumph of hope over all the worst that humanity could bring. It is the victory of life over death, resurrection over crucifixion. Jesus brings the divine light to the darkest places. It is to the Risen Christ that we turn our eyes as we commit our stricken world to his transforming love.
We make our own the words of Pope Francis: ‘Lord, may you bless the world. Give health to our bodies and comfort our hearts’.
May God’s blessing be upon us all this Easter.
Father James
Easter Sunday Mass: 10.00 am
Mass will continue at 10.00 am each day in the Sacred Heart church
Remember to pray for our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Tom Ender, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, David Battigan and Mary Carr.
Please pray for Joe Seely, recently deceased, and for his family.
We also remember the anniversaries of Eileen Codd, Dorothy Morrish, Mary Roualle, Mary Jones, Betty Paul, Joseph Clark, Mary Turner, Joseph Talbot, Mary McManus, Eric Hall, Mario Vanzino and Dorothy Pooler.