15th Week in Ordinary Time 2020
12th – 18th July
The new parish website: http://sacredheartnorthwalsham.com/
We will be hearing several parables in the weeks to come. They are not just clever stories. We need to reflect on them and bring to them the gift of insight which our faith provides. The parable of the sower in today’s gospel reading is a good example. The sowing is extravagant: there is plenty of seed (God’s generosity) but everything depends on the condition of the soil. The seed (God’s Word) can only take root where the soil is prepared and cultivated – as those of us who have discovered the joys of gardening during lockdown have discovered! The soil, of course, is us. Our receptiveness determines how effective the sowing will be and how successful the harvest.
Although numbers are limited by the demands of social distancing it was a great joy to be able to meet for Sunday and weekday Mass. It is a learning process and we will be making minor adjustments over the coming weeks. If you wish to attend Mass at any of our churches you will need to book a place (or two for couples) with John, either by email or by telephone. He can be contacted on 01692 581516 or 07526 369318 (mobile) or by email: bolger@waitrose.com
Sunday Masses are at the normal times. Weekday Masses are as follows: Tuesday: 9.30 at Sacred Heart, Wednesday: 9.30 at St Helen’s, Friday: 9.30 at St John of the Cross.
Remember to pray for all our sick parishioners: Maria Wilby, Matt Butler, John Gowing, Derek and Frances Palman, Kevin Fitzmaurice, Graham Burdett and Mary Carr.
We remember David Battigan who died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Angela Brooke, Marie Shepheard, Edward Uden, Mario Periera, Rhoda Egan, Francis Gammon, Alice Carey and John Scoley.
Father James