Dear Friends,
‘Who is this man?’ people asked each other. Some saw him as a rebel, a troublemaker, even as one possessed by the devil. Others saw him as a prophet. Peter says that Jesus is the Christ, the liberator who would save the nation. But what kind of liberation? When Jesus discloses that his destiny will lead him to the cross Peter cannot understand or accept it. They will learn that it is only in the crucible of the Passion and Cross and Resurrection that they will learn what true discipleship is.
This weekend we welcome Father Denys Lloyd who is here to celebrate the weekend Masses in my absence. I shall be away on a short break for the following week.
God bless
Father James
At the Sacred Heart, North Walsham, all Masses are accessible from your computer or tablet. Simply go to Live Streaming.
It is no longer necessary to book a place at the weekend Masses in any of our three churches. However we are still encouraged to use the QR codes when we arrive at the church or to give our contact details to the stewards.
Next Sunday is Home Mission Day and there will be a Second Collection for the Home Missions.
Tea and coffee will be available in the Sacred Heart parish hall following the Sunday Mass beginning on 19th September. All are welcome. Many thanks to the kitchen volunteers.
At St Helen’s there are now refreshments after the Saturday evening Mass. They will be served, weather permitting, outside by the side entrance. Please take a seat and your order will be taken and brought to you.
Fortnightly Bible Study at the Sacred Heart. The next meeting will be on Friday 24th September at 2.30pm in the Committee Room.
The time has come for election of Parish Pastoral Council representatives and nomination forms are at the backs of all three churches. Due to last year’s disruptions we are looking for two new representatives from each church. This is a vital service for your church community so please think prayerfully about whether you could contribute in this way to the life of the Parish.
Last Sunday, Climate Sunday, Fr James celebrated Mass in each of our three churches using the CAFOD prayers written for Climate Sunday. During the afternoon we had a Creation Walk in Blickling Park, Aylsham where we prayed the Novena to St Francis for a World Under Threat and the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary for the Care of Creation as we walked for two miles through the beautiful trees and meadows of the park. We were blessed with a warm and sunny afternoon and the parish walkers were joined by several Secular Franciscans, members of the Norwich Pax et Bonum Fraternity and a couple who were on holiday in the area.
Sincere thanks to all who made it to Wickmere on 21st August for the Open Garden & Village Yard Sale in aid of Support Cambodia. Big thanks also to those who weren’t there but contributed in any way to the unbelievable total of £3,082.10 (with further donations to come) for clean water projects in North-West Cambodia, specifically the Ochra Kandal Borewell in Pailin City. Pictures and more on the charity’s Facebook page, accessible to everyone at and on that website under NEWS.
Items for the newsletter will be most welcome, to be sent please by email ( by the Tuesday of the week, or if urgent, at the very latest by Wednesday, no later than 12 noon.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley and Mary Carr.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Peter Bonsall, Paula Seamons, Jane Cousal, Margaret Griffith, John Barton and Ann Bailey. May they rest in peace.
God bless