A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass. “One off” gift aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
Next Sunday is World Mission Day when there will be a second collection for the Association for the Propagation of the Faith. Gift Aid envelopes will be available.
The Rosary, said during October: at Hoveton before Saturday Mass at 5pm; Aylsham – Sundays at 8.30am and NW at 10.30am. Volunteers needed to lead PLEASE at the Sacred Heart – some new people would be great. Please sign the rota in the porch.
Collectors Please note that for the next three weeks we need to take a Mass Count and record the numbers on the sheet at the back of the church. Thanks.
BENEDICTION next Sunday at 3pm at the Sacred Heart – for the whole parish.
FAIRTRADE Today (Sunday) stalls will be set up at North Walsham after Mass: next Sunday (20th) Fairtrade items will be sold at Aylsham.
MISSIO COLLECTION BOXES It’s that time of year for calling in the Red Boxes, the APF or Mission collection boxes. Could you please hand these to Peter Adamson for those in Aylsham; Sue Perrott for the Sacred Heart and Maureen Keane for St Helen’s over the next two or three weeks. Thanks.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets Monday 14th October: am – Computer Workshop; pm – A visit from Sister Monica.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS Each church really does need to be represented. So far, there’s been only 1 nomination at Hoveton. Nomination forms are at the back of each church. Please, look around and ask anyone you think suitable; (2 needed for NW & 1 for Aylsham). Completed forms, to be are handed to Fr. David by October 27th to allow time for a ballot, if necessary, before the next PPC Meeting in November.
“YEAR OF FAITH” There is still time to put your thoughts into words about your faith and in so doing we can form a collection of testimonies from our parish. We’ve had a rather poor response so far so, come on – don’t be shy (it can also be very helpful to others) What does your faith mean to you? (No more than 400 words).
BISHOP ALAN has appointed Fr. David as Vicar General for the diocese.
CATHEDRAL LIBRARY The Ducket Library at the Cathedral is well worth a visit if you are in Norwich on a Tuesday or Thursday morning. It has around 4000 publications on a wide range of religious topics and is a lending library for the Congregation of the Diocese of East Anglia. The library staff are very willing to be involved with any study or research projects people might be undertaking.
JOURNEY INTO FAITH – How to become a Catholic, or know more about the Catholic Faith. Wednesdays at 2.30pm in the Presbytery. All welcome.
CAMBODIAN-STYLE MASS: we unite in spirit with our twin parish of Svay Sisophon to remember our depart4ed loved ones. Friday 18th October at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Full details in last week’s newsletter insert, on the parish website or call 01263 577784.
Pchum Ben is a special time in Cambodia when people go to the temple or church to remember and pray for their deceased loved ones. Families gather together (Pchum means ‘gather’) to celebrate their memory, light candles, burn incense and make offerings of food.
Those who come are invited to join in the spirit of the occasion by:
- bringing a small non-perishable food offering [eg: sugar, cereals, tea, coffee, biscuits, jam, tinned goods etc] to take up at the Offertory rather as we do at Harvest Mass. These will later be given to the appropriate local Food Bank.
- putting a small photo or writing the name of someone you wish to pray for on the specially prepared board.
- sharing light refreshments after the Mass.
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME begins on this Saturday (19th) at 10.30am in the parish hall. It is for children and parents.
CHRISTMAS CARDS in aid of Support Cambodia will be going on sale today and at St Helen’s next week (19th/20th). Please try to buy a pack or two as we continue to give much needed support to the community in Svay Sisophon. See news and pictures of the current Cambodian floods on our parish website>Cambodia Blog.
HOVETON Reflection on readings for Mass. This is a new group which will focus on the Readings & Psalms used at the Vigil/Sunday Mass, week by week, offering a chance to explore what these mean to us personally and their application to life and the wider world. Starting 6th November at St Helen’s at 10.30 am, every week after 9.30am Wednesday Mass – it is likely to be for up to an hour – open to all. Please contact Renata Orlowska (07759 143391) for details.
CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL in our Diocese. Saturday 19th October at The Worship Centre, Bowthorpe, Norwich. Ross Powell’s theme for the day is Faith “Expectant Faith”: 10.00 am to 4.30 pm – the day includes Mass, Eucharistic Adoration Confession & Prayer. To bring a packed lunch. Contact Phil Waters 07910157584 or go to www.ccr-eastanglia.org.uk
SHOEBOX APPEAL – leaflets, necessary for packing up shoeboxes, are now available at the back of the church (North Walsham & Hoveton). Deadline for collection is Sunday 17th November. Aylsham have their own system in response to this appeal.
WINNER of the 150 Club for September was Peter Harrison from Hoveton.
FOUND Two separate sets of keys have been found on church property; and then last Saturday another set of keys, found in the church.
We pray for Manny Galea who died suddenly last Monday and we remember his family and friends at this time. His Requiem Mass is on Friday 25th October at 11am at Aylsham. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries are at this time including: Catherine (Kay) Higgs, David Evan Pugh and Edward vicars-Barber. May they rest in peace. Amen.