Dear Friends,
In today’s Gospel Jesus goes from baptism to the desert and is there tempted by the devil. These temptations include the offer of all the power and glory of all the kingdoms of the world. We know how seductive power, or even the desire for power, can be. Jesus is tempted to misuse the powers he already has. We too can be seduced by power, albeit on a smaller scale. The result can be the need to dominate or to manipulate others.
In today’s world emails are a useful way of communicating. My email address is: which is also on the front page.
Father James
Journey in Faith (6th session) this Sunday afternoon at 5.00pm.
CAFOD Lent Fast Day is Friday 19th February. This Lent Fast Day, we have an opportunity to come together as a Catholic Community to ensure girls living in the world’s poorest countries are free to change their lives by getting an education. CAFOD is working with local expert organistions around the world to bring water to family homes, so girls who used to spend hours collecting it every day now have time for school, study and to play with their friends. Fast Days are our opportunity to support that vital work. Please collect your Fast Day envelope from the back of the church this weekend and remember to fast on Lent Fast Day on Friday. And the good news is that the UK government has promised to match every pound you give this Lent.
There is no meeting of the Senior Citizens Group (NW) this week.
Lenten Reflections
On Monday 22nd February Fr James will be leading a Day of Lenten Reflections in the parish hall; this will be for the whole parish. There will be Mass at 12.00noon followed by a shared lunch.
There will be a PPC Meeting (Parish Pastoral Council) on Tuesday 16th February at 7.30pm in the Committee Room at North Walsham.
During Lent there will Stations of the Cross at Hoveton on Wednesday following the 9.30am Mass and at North Walsham on Friday at 12noon.
Stalham Area House Mass: on Friday 19th at 7 pm at the home of Linda Dawson – Breton Cottage, 3 Horse Barns, Wayford Road, Stalham. NR12 9LQ. 01692 584162. (Yes, this week, not last!)
To hear more about Bob & Katie’s visit to Cambodia ‘Support Cambodia’ will be holding a “Soups, Slides and Crafts” lunch at the parish hall on Saturday 5th March at 12 noon. Tickets [£3] will be on sale after the Masses today onwards. For details: 01263 577784
Support Cambodia Plant Sale We will be holding this year’s plant sale on Saturday 14th May. With your help , this can be a great opportunity to raise funds for Support Cambodia projects. With the growing season upon us, there are many ways that you can produce plants cheaply with just a little TLC over the coming months: Keep a look out for seedlings and saplings in your garden and carefully pot them up. Many perennials can be split and potted. You could grow your favourite plants from seed or make cuttings. Keep an eye open for special plant offers in the press and online growers.
The Sponsored Slim is on-going throughout Lent until an agreed date is reached just after Easter. Anyone interested, please contact Gerry Francis on 01603 737066 – proceeds towards financing Kerry and Lauren and Sarah from Aylsham to World Youth Trip to Poland.
St George’s, Sprowston, is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. The enclosed flier lists a full programme of events for the year which may well interest a number of our parishioners.
Churches Together ‘Lent Lunch’, is on Thursday 18th Feb at 12.30pm in St Nicholas Room. Cost £4.00. Raising money for Christian Aid. Short address by Rev’d David Philo.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur during this week including: Robert Watson, Marion Yapp, Beatrice Devitt, Edward Brown, Brendon Cushion and Iris McGee.
May they rest in peace.