After the Resurrection Jesus appears several times to his disciples. In today’s Gospel he allows himself to be touched by them, to eat before their eyes in order to convince them that he is the same Lord they had known now restored to life. He is present in a way that is somehow different yet the same.
We can imagine how joyful they were after the brutal experience of Calvary. Jesus then explains how the scriptures revealed the coming and presence of the Messiah as he did to the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
For us the Eucharist is the privileged place of encounter with the Risen Lord. It is here that we meet together under his leadership, we recall his words in the scriptures, we break bread together and then take the flame of faith into the world.
Fr James
This Weekend, 13/14 April, there will be a 2nd Collection for the Holy Land Shrines.
Monday 6 May is the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham. Holy Mass at the Catholic Shrine will be at 12.00 noon following which, pilgrims are able to process down the holy mile to the Priory grounds for Benediction. There are lists at the back of the churches for those who would like to travel on the coach. Please add your names by Sunday 21 April at the latest, so that we can book the right size coach.
On Saturday, 11 May, we will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Fr Peter’s Ordination to the Priesthood and a big day is planned. There will be Mass at midday, followed by a party in the hall and the garden. We are collecting for a gift and lists are at the back of the churches for
Teas and coffees after Sunday Mass will re-commence this Sunday, 14 April, at the Sacred Heart. Anyone who would like to join the rota of those serving refreshments, please speak to Fr Peter, Maureen Ollivier or Cathy Watkins.
Rented accommodation in North Walsham badly needed for one of our Indian families. Please let the office know if you can help in any way.
Support Cambodia’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 25 April at 7.00pm at the Church of St John of the Cross, Aylsham. Further details are available from Katie Maidment on 07759982011 or at
Mass on Friday 19 April at St John of the Cross will be followed by Shirley Teague’s interment.
The funeral service for Doreen Crouch will take place on Tuesday 23 April at 11.00 at St Helen’s Church, Hoveton. Doreen was organist at the Sacred Heart Church for many years.
Ivy Weston’s funeral service will be held on Thursday 25 April at 11.00 at the Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Marie Barton, Robert Buhagiar, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Joan Macnamara, Richard Skelton, Teresa Fitzmaurice, Joan Gale and Debbie Caruana and also include those not named but who are sick and the families caring for them.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Joseph Clark, Peter Lloyd, Mario Vanzino, Dorothy Pooler, Anthony Middlecoat, Ida Dufour, Inga Courtenay. May they rest in peace.