Dear Friends,
Last week I planted tomatoes in a pot. This week it was a selection of herbs! I am no gardener but I know enough to make sure that the tender young plants have sunlight and water. Now I have to be patient and allow nature to take its course. In today’s Gospel reading we find two parables about growing. What is encouraging is that the seed produces a crop even though the farmer “knows not how”. There is a power or energy at work once the seed is sown. We don’t have to control it or look after it through the whole process: it can take care of itself. No one is suggesting we don’t have to do a lot of work in God’s kingdom. But we can feel some relief when we hear this parable. A growth-force beyond ourselves is at work. There will be “full grain in the ear” at harvest time if God so wills: the success of the harvest does not depend solely on our efforts. Last weekend we saw some of the young plants come to fruition – the children who received their First Holy Communion and the youngsters who were confirmed. Our prayers go with them as they continue to grow in the faith.
God bless you all,
Father James
The Senior Citizens Group (NW) will be enjoying a “Steam Boat Trip at Horning on Monday 15th June. All parishioners are welcome to join the Senior Citizens for their annual Pilgrimage to Walsingham on Monday 13th July. There are plenty of seats available on the coach – a contribution of £5 towards the cost would be much appreciated. Please ring Teresa Butler on 01692 405007 / 07901 830327 to book your place or for more information.
St Helen’s Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion is on Monday 15th June at 7.00pm.
The Summer Fete (5th July) preparations are going well and items are coming in apace. Please continue to leave your non-perishable items in the boxes provided in each church. Raffle tickets are available each Sunday. Lots of help is needed for setting up on the day and for taking down. If you have any enquiries please ring Teresa Butler on 07901 830327 or 01692 405007 and she will direct you to the appropriate person.
Parish Twinning News: Father Rajat Hassapurti has now returned to India for six months study leave. The new parish priest of Svay Sisophon is Father Greg Priyadi, an Indonesian and former Director of Jesuit Services Cambodia. Please keep both of them and the people of St Francis Xavier Parish in your prayers.
Events at Aylsham
“Youth Café” in Aylsham is a project for the young people of Aylsham and area supported by Broadland Christian Youth Trust and The Matthew Project. On Saturday 27th June there is a fund-raising AUCTION event at Bure Valley School. Proceeds to the new café. See poster at St John’s for more details.
A traditional Strawberry Afternoon Tea is to be held on Sunday 28th June, at 3 – 5pm at Orchard Cottage, Newton Road, Hainford, (Satnav NR10 3BQ) by kind permission of Rob & Clare Hardie. Tickets £5 : proceeds to St John of the Cross’ redecoration and the Sacred Heart Organ fund.
Kerry and Lauren wish to thank everyone for the support given at their cake sale last Sunday in the parish hall when they raised £83: this will go to help fund their trip to Poland next year for World Youth Day. The “guess the weight of the cake” was 753g and was won by Sheila Thacker.
Look out for further fundraising for World Youth Day when from 19th July, fortnightly, after Mass on a Sunday, Kerry and Lauren will bring second hand books to the parish hall for people to take and make a donation.
The ’150 CLUB’ result for May 2015: winning number 135, the winner Bruce McKenna from Hoveton.
Planning application on land adjacent to St John’s, Aylsham(20150214) has been called in to planning meeting: this will take place in the coming weeks.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: James Bailey, Anna Beales, Ewhen Repeckyj, Peter Kelly, Catherine Bateman, William (Jack) Price, Angela Upton, Vera Phipps, Margaret Price and Elizabeth (Betty) Broom. May they rest in peace.