A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
NB Sorry, there is no Children’s Liturgy this Sunday at North Walsham.
TODAY IS SEA SUNDAY when the church remembers all those who live and work at sea. Many people have never stopped to consider how important seafarers are to our standard of living. Without them we would not have most of the items we use in our everyday lives. Many of the seafarers do not have the quality of life on board that every human has the right to. There will be a second collection today for the Apostleship of the Sea, (AoS), which is the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church in Great Britain. For those who wish to ‘gift-aid’ there are special AoS envelopes available at the back of the church.
HOLY HOUR – is this afternoon (Sunday) from 3.00-4.00pm. Bishop Alan has asked every parish to have this hour today, to pray for the Diocese and for him as he takes up his ministry. This will take place in the Sacred Heart Church. Do pick up a prayer card from the back of the church with the prayer for Bishop Alan and his new Diocese of East Anglia.
THE INSTALATION OF BISHOP ALAN HOPES is this Tuesday 16th July at 12noon in our Cathedral in Norwich. Those who are travelling on the coach, please note pick-up times at each church: the coach must leave at the times stated – from Aylsham 9.00am; from NW 9.20am and from Hoveton 9.40am. Please be waiting a little before the time as it is important to arrive at the Cathedral in good time. Everyone must be seated by 11.15am. We have extended our time after the Installation Mass at the Cathedral so our coach will now depart from the Cathedral at 3.15pm. Cost £4 (collected before the day).
MASS WITH ANOINTING will take place at the Sacred Heart Church, North Walsham on Monday (15th July) at 2.00pm. This sacrament (once called Extreme Unction) is a sacrament of God’s healing love, strength and peace not only for those who are seriously ill, but also for those who feel weak and less well through advanced age; also for those about to undergo major surgery. Those who regularly visit the housebound are encouraged to invite and bring them along to this Mass. Parishioners are warmly invited to come and pray for those from our community who will be anointed. There will not be a 9.30am Mass on Monday.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP Monday 15th July: am Informal; 2pm Thanksgiving Mass with Sacrament of Anointing – see above.
PARISH FETE REVIEW MEETING is this Thursday 18th at 7pm. (Presbytery). Do try to come along: copies of breakdown of the takings are in the church porch.
NATIONAL GRANDPARENTS’ PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM is on Sunday 28th July: from 11.00am – 4.30pm. A day of faith and fun for all.
WORLD YOUTH DAY ONLINE UPDATES Follow what our WYD pilgrims are doing in Brazil from 15th – 31st July by going to:
www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth and clicking on the WYD updates link.
Sarah Shippey is attending from our parish, although she is setting off next Saturday, a little later than the main group which goes on Monday.
World Youth Day ‘At Home’ – 26th-29th July: national event for young people aged 16+. For information go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
AUGUST DIOCESAN CAMPS at Eccles Hall, Norfolk: Junior Camp 8-14yrs Friday 23rd August – Monday 26th. Pl contact Fr David for an application form.
MEMORIAL GARDEN MASS is on Wednesday 21st August at 6.00pm.
HARVEST THANKSGIVING MASSES on weekend 5/6th October.
SPONSORED CYCLE RIDE & WALK is on Saturday 14th September from 9am – 5pm run by the Norfolk Churches Trust.
ROTAS (NW) for Readers are available in the porch.
JUSTICE & PEACE Diocesan Newsletter, (Summer) available in the porch.
HOVETON COMMUNITY MEETING after Mass next Saturday (20th)
READERS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: there will be a Day of Reflection on Saturday 7th September from 10.30am – 3.30pm. Please put this date in your diaries as ALL Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are expected to attend such an annual day.
“150 Club” The winner for June 2013 was Clare Tuck.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Don’t forget we have a support group that can be reached either by phoning 07501 265779 or via email pssacredheart@outlook.com
WHEN NOTIFYING A PRIEST to visit patients admitted to the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, all requests for a priest to visit a patient should be made to the Cathedral on 01603 624615: however, in a real emergency (for someone near to death) the Duty Hospital Chaplain’s bleep no. 07623611724 may be used. This number should not be used for general visits.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including: Edward Uden, Rhoda Egan and John Charles Scoley. May they rest in peace. Amen.