There is a phrase in today’s second reading which reads: ‘we are God’s work of art’. Perhaps you might be thinking that the Lord still has quite a bit of work to do before we can be exhibited! The truth is that God doesn’t make rubbish: the master craftsman is gradually shaping us into the likeness of his Son. Or, to use another biblical image, the potter is constantly at work shaping the clay that is you and me. And no two pieces are the same – God doesn’t deal in production lines! During Lent we try to allow God to continue his work of creativity because he knows how beautiful the final result can be – if we allow him a free hand.
Today is Mothering Sunday. Its origins go back to the pre-Reformation tradition of visiting the cathedral – the mother church of the diocese. In our times it has become a day when we say thank you to all mothers and show our appreciation of their key role in our families.
With Holy Week approaching I have put out a list for the coach for the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral – it will begin at 7 pm this year.
God bless you all.
Father James
(Back by popular demand!) From a genuine report from a hospital in Glasgow: ‘The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 2003’.
The Requiem Mass for Marianne MacQueen will take place on Monday, 30th March at 11.30 am in the Church of the Sacred Heart. The Cremation service will be on the following day at 8.45 am at St Faith’s.
Lent Courses (Ecumenical) taking place in Wroxham/Hoveton area beginning at 7.00pm: 19th March at St Mary’s, Wroxham, (Iona Service) and the 26th March at the Baptist Church, Neatishead.
There will also be Lenten Lunches in North Walsham on Thursdays from 12 .30 in St Nicholas’ parish hall; in Aylsham on different days and venues: Monday,16th at the Friends Meeting Hall and 27th at Cawston Road Chapel.
Sincere thanks to all who have contributed to the St John of the Cross “Raise the Roof” Fund ……..our fellow parishioners at the Sacred Heart and St Helens plus a number of ‘anonymous’ donors.
The Senior Citizens’ Group meets on Monday 16th. In the morning there will be Computer Workshop and in the afternoon a visit from Sr Monica.
NEXT SATURDAY (21st March): ‘Soups, slides & Crafts’ for Support Cambodia, 12noon to 1.30pm at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall. Tickets (£3) available on the door. If you are intending to come and haven’t yet booked please contact Bob or Katie Maidment (01263 577784) as numbers are needed for catering.
On Sunday 22nd March there will be Benediction at 3.00pm in the Sacred Heart Church when the theme will be The Annunciation.
Parish Pastoral Council: Minutes of the meeting held on 25th November 2014 are now on the website and on the church notice boards.
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club. Our next meeting will be held on 25th March and we look forward to seeing you all then.
There will be a Service of Reconciliation for all the parish at the Sacred Heart Church on Saturday 28th March at 11.30am.
We pray for Nancy Powles and Marianne MacQueen. We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur during this week including: Michael Sherry, Reginald Broad, Robert Watson, Michael Yates, Gwenllian Cartwright, Gerald Metcalf, John Flatley, Geoffrey Soden, Kathleen (Kay) Pearce, Father Albert Whyatt and Henry (Dulcie) Leeland.
May they rest in peace.
If you have any items for the newsletter please let us have them by Tuesday.