A WARM WELCOME to all our VISITORS: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. Do feel free to stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners. “One off” gift aid envelopes for your collection are available at the back of the church for those who would like to use them. Thanks.
TODAY is Home Mission Sunday: leaflets on its work and this year’s theme, “Crossing the Threshold”, are enclosed. The theme this year is one of reaching out to Catholics who for one reason or another seem disconnected from the life of the Church. There is a basket for donations. Please support this important mission.
We wish those who are going to Rome from the parish on the Diocesan Pilgrimage a very blessed and enjoyable week.
BENEDICTION is this afternoon at the Sacred Heart at 3pm; the theme will be “The Holy Cross”. This is for the whole parish – do come for an hour’s peaceful reflection.
ACT (Aylsham & District Care Trust) Annual Celebration Service – TODAY Sunday 15th September at 3pm at the ACT Centre, Aylsham. Please see poster.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP resume their meetings on Monday 16th September: am – informal; pm – business and planning meeting.
On Monday 23rd September, Neil Storey, the well-known local historian will be giving a presentation on the 1953 floods commencing at 1.30pm. All parishioners are warmly invited to attend.
ST HELEN’S Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion: Mon 16th Sept at 7pm.
Then please direct them to the presbytery (4 Norwich Road, North Walsham) on Friday 27th September at 7pm to find out about our Journey in Faith Programme. Even better is to offer to bring them along to the meeting. This will be a very informal meeting so don’t be shy to come along.
‘YEAR OF FAITH’ PARISH VISIT TO ST JOHN’S CATHEDRAL, NORWICH on Wednesday 2nd October. Fr. David will lead us on this visit to the Cathedral and the coach will be leaving Aylsham at 9.30am; North Walsham at 9.50am and Hoveton at 10.10 am, to arrive for Mass at the Cathedral at 11am. We will then have a guided Tour of the Cathedral (£3 per head) and Tower if desired (£3 per head) followed by a Pilgrim’s Lunch in the Narthax consisting of Fresh Soup and a Selection of sandwiches + tea/coffee or fruit juice (£8.40 per head). The coach will pick up for the return home at approximately 3pm. Please would you sign the lists at the back of each church by Sunday 22nd September to book your place on the coach for the visit. For further details please contact Clare Hardie on 01603 897609. The parish will pay for the coach fare. A parishioner who is unable to travel on the coach is offering a lift by car for up to three people or, if wheelchair users, for just two places. Please speak to Fr. David for more details.
A FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2013/14 If your child is in year 3 or above and you wish them to be enrolled in the Parish Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, please complete a registration form for enrolment to be found at the back of the church – asap.
FR ROBERT BARRON’S DVD “CATHOLICISM” The first DVD of the series will be shown: Part 1 “Amazed and Afraid: the Revelation of God become man”;
Part 2 “Happy are we: the teachings of Jesus” on Monday 23rd September at 2.30pm. Terry and Janet McIlwee have kindly offered to host the showing of this first DVD at 11 Hartwell Road, Wroxham, NR12 8TL: tel no. 01603 782414. Do take advantage of the opportunity to experience this amazing revelation of our faith.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING PRAYER MEETING is on Tuesday 17th Sept. at 2-3.15pm, at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham: tel. 01692 402398. All welcome.
MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING – Biggest Coffee Morning in the World is at Aylsham on Friday 27th September at 10.15am after Mass. Home baking, FREE coffee refills, book stall. All are welcome
BIBLE GROUP next meet Friday 27th Sept in parish hall at 2.30pm.
HARVEST SUPPER (Aylsham) is on Saturday 5th October at 7pm. Chilli or quiche with crusty bread and salad; dessert. Wine available or soft drinks. £7 – proceeds to St John’s Roof Fund.
ST HELEN’S HARVEST SUPPER is on Monday 7th October: tickets (£5) on sale from Mary Edmonds (01692 580712).
“BE OPEN TO GOD” – a quiet day led by Magdalen Houlihan from the Silent Prayer Ministry, Clare Priory. Held at the Sacred Heart Hall & grounds on Saturday 12th October from 10.15am – 3.15pm. To book please ‘phone Betty Dady on 01692 402398. For further details see poster in the church.
FOODBANK at the new weekly distribution centre at the URC Church, Hoveton on Thursday 12th September, 10.30am-12noon, is now looking for volunteers – if anyone could help please could they contact Susan Roberts on 01603 781901 or at sioux745@aol.com News, Shopping Lists & thanks are on notice boards
We pray for Chris Beardshaw who died this week, remembering his family and friends; and all those whose anniversaries are at this time including: Mary Ellen Mousley and Margaret Griffith. May they rest in peace. Amen.