Dear Friends,
As we approach the end of the Church’s year the liturgy focuses on the ‘last times’ and the second coming of Christ. No one knows the day or the hour. What is important is that we live in such a way that we are ready when he does come.
Parents of children who are of 1st Holy Communion age are asked to contact me so that they can be inscribed in the programme for 2015/6.
Father James
Quote: ‘If only I had a little humility I would be perfect’ (Ted Turner)
Next Sunday is the beautiful Feast of Christ the King and Youth Day when there will be a retiring collection for the Diocesan Youth Service: Gift-Aid envelopes for the Youth Service are available in the porch.
In the after-noon: Parents of children for 1st Communion preparation meet in the hall at 3pm.
Journey in Faith continues its course at 5pm also in the hall.
The Senior Citizens’ Group meets on Monday (16th). AM: Computer Workshop and chair exercises. PM: a visit from Jane Nicholson.
On Friday 20th at 7.00pm there is a Stalham Area House Mass at the home of Ken and Cathy Watkins; 9 Wilson Road, Stalham, NR12 9FL (01692 580889).
St Helen’s 4th Wednesday Club for senior citizens this month is on 25th November. We start at 11.30am with coffee, at 12.30pm a simple hot lunch is served. After lunch there’s a free raffle, plus games and social activities; we finish at 4.00pm with tea and cake. This will be our last meeting this year; there will be no meeting in December.
“Come, Lord Jesus”: Sung Evening Prayer to mark the start of the Advent season will take place at St John of the Cross, Aylsham on Sunday 29th November at 4pm. The Aylsham community invites the whole parish to join them for this beautiful candlelit service, now in its 11th year. Please ask for (offer) lifts so all who wish may attend.
A Support Cambodia’s Annual Appeal was launched last weekend and is open for 4 weeks. Money collected will be used to buy vitamins, medical equipment and (in Cambodia) basic necessities (soap, toothpaste etc) distributed to the poorest families. Donations (cheques made payable to “Support Cambodia”) may be made at all Masses until Sunday 13th December or post to: Bob Maidment, Support Cambodia, 22/23 Regent Street, Wickmere, Norwich NR11 7ND. Gift-aiding your donation increases it by 25%, so if you are a UK taxpayer and have not yet registered for Gift Aid with Support Cambodia (parish registration doesn’t count in this case), please ask for a form.
An Ecumenical Prayer meeting in Aylsham is held on Monday 16th at 7.30pm at Cawston Road Hall, Aylsham.
Reception Class Intake for September 2016 at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School. For your child to enter Reception Class at our school in September 2016, we invite you to an information meeting at school on Thursday 19th November at 7pm where you can meet staff and find out more about the school. Please telephone 01603 441484 to let us know you are coming. Thank you.
We pray for Reg Wood and Ellie Joy who recently died. We pray also for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Teresa McKillop, Charles Pinder, Barbara Cornish, Frederick Walker and Michael Foran.
May they rest in peace.
Loving Father,
we pray for those baptised who no longer
or rarely attend Church:
that they will understand and experience in their hearts
that Christ is the source of unconditional
love and reconciliation.
We pray for everyone
who worships in our parish community,
that they may find the right words and means
to invite our absent brothers and sisters
to return to the practice of their faith.