A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS. Thank you for joining us for our Mass. You are welcome to join parishioners for coffee after our Sunday Masses (in Aylsham and North Walsham). You may like to use one of the “one off” gift-aid envelopes for your collection, available at the back of the church. Many thanks.
TODAY is Education Sunday: there would normally be a Second collection but as our local HCPT group (Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) are making an Appeal in our parish this weekend for their Easter pilgrimage to Lourdes; the collection is postponed until next weekend.
BENEDICTION will be held this afternoon at 3.00pm at North Walsham, for the whole parish.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP There is no meeting on Monday as it is half term.
ST HELEN’S Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion: Monday 17th Feb at 7pm.
ST HELEN’S 4TH WEDNESDAY CLUB meets on 26th February from 11.30am until 4.30pm: lunch is at 12.30pm followed by social activities and games. There is a free raffle and we finish with cake and tea at 4.30pm. All over 60s welcome.
MINUTES of the PPC meeting on 26th November: copies are now on notice boards and on the website.
READERS’ ROTAS for North Walsham are ready for collection: please pick up your named copy.
DIOCESAN YEAR BOOK is now available in the church porch for just £3.00.
SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER The Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order meets next Wednesday 19th February, and the third Wednesday of every month, in the parish room at the back of the church of the Holy Apostles, Earlham West Centre, Norwich. We always warmly welcome anyone who would like to come and follow the Lord Jesus more closely in the footsteps of St Francis of Assisi. What better thing to do in this time of evangelisation and with a Pope who has named himself after this great saint? Please contact Robert Hardie on 01603 897609 or just come along.
“MAGNIFICAT” – INTRODUCTORY OFFER The Catholic Herald, publishers of “Magnificat”, a very popular booklet already familiar to many, of daily readings, prayer and guidance, is making a special introductory offer of 3 ISSUES FOR ONLY £9. Orders may be made online at www.catholicherald.co.uk/offers or by completing forms, available at the back of the church, or telephoning 020 7448 3608.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP Remember, we have a support group that can be reached by phoning 07501 265779, or speak to Hilary or Marianne initially.
PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE meets on Tuesday 18th at 5.00pm.
FUNERAL PLANS The Catholic Church in England & Wales recently produced a leaflet entitled “Instructions for my Funeral Mass”. This can be a great help to families when arranging a family funeral to ensure that the wishes of the deceased are known and fulfilled. There are copies in the porch.
CATHOLIC DIOCESAN CHARISMATIC RENEWAL will take place on Saturday 1st March at The Worship Centre, Bowthorpe, Norwich: the speaker is Derek Williams and his theme is “The Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand”.
“COLUMBA” – magazine of the Knights of St Columba, Winter Edition 2013. Copies are available in the porch. Particularly of interest to men who wish to be of service to others (their motto being “Serve God by serving others”) and who would perhaps welcome the participation of belonging to such a group.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Gorleston require a Deputy Headteacher from September 2014 (or earlier if possible).
St Laurence’s Catholic Primary School, Cambridge require a Headteacher from September 2014.
St Alban’s Catholic High School, Ipswich: Headteacher required from September.
St Felix Catholic Primary School, Haverhill require a Key stage 2 leader and a Class Teacher senco, for September.
For more information on any of the above Posts visit the Diocesan Website: www.catholiceastanglia.org
To those who organise parish/group events, remember to make sure your date is on the Parish Website Calendar, in order to avoid clashes. To do this ring Clare on 01603 897609 (pl note correction to no.) or contact Antonia at Parish Office on sacredheart@computer-assist.net
A CONCERT performed by the Norwich Music Group at St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich is on Saturday 22nd February at 7.30pm. The works to be performed are the ever-popular Gloria by Francis Poulenc and the Organ Concerto “The Cuckoo” by Handel plus other smaller favoured pieces. All profits will be donated to Oxfam. Please see poster in porches for full details.
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Edward Francis Brown, Brendon William Cushion, Winifred Coates, Iris Maud McGee, Daphne Evelyn de Soissons, Gerald Aloysius Hearne, Roy Douglas Copperwheat and Robert (Bob) Horace Cockrill .
May they rest in peace. Amen.