A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS with us this weekend. Do stay for coffee after Mass and meet some of our parishioners.
We especially welcome the families and friends of the children making their First Holy Communion this weekend at Hoveton and North Walsham. Many congratulations to those children.
NB: There is No 9.30am Mass on Monday 17th (Senior Citizens’ Pilgrimage to Walsingham), nor on Tuesday.
Today (Sunday) the interment of the ashes of the late Mary Edney will take place at North Walsham at 2pm.
SERVICE AT ST NICHOLAS’ CHURCH entitled “Our companion on the way”; this evening (Sunday) is at 6.30pm. We are warmly welcomed to this candlelit service of Taizé-style worship and they apologise for such short notice. Pl see fliers.
ORDINATION GIFT For any parishioners who were unable to make a contribution towards an Ordination gift to Henry Whisenant last weekend there will be an opportunity again this Saturday/Sunday after Mass. His ordination is on Saturday 6th July in the Cathedral in Norwich at 12noon. A coach will pick up from Aylsham 9.40 am; from North Walsham 10.05am and from Hoveton 10.30am; Please sign list at the back of the church: the £4 cost will be collected beforehand. For those wishing to travel independently, please remember there is No Parking at the Cathedral except for Blue Badge holders who should contact the Cathedral directly (01603 728935) and make sure that on the day they have the Blue Badge to hand. Lists will be collected on NEXT Sunday 23rd June, so do sign up a.s.a.p. please.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP Monday 17th June – Pilgrimage to Walsingham accompanied by Fr David and Deacon Ron. Coach leaves North Walsham at 10.15am and will arrive back at approximately 4pm. Full details in last week’s newsletter.
ECUMENICAL CENTERING PRAYER MEETINGS – Tuesdays 18th June & 2nd July at Tony & Betty Dady’s home, 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham, 2-3.30pm (01692 402398). All welcome.
DIOCESAN CELEBRATION of Marriage & Family Life: is next Saturday 22nd June at 11am at St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. Please see poster. Those celebrating special Anniversaries this year are welcome to come and renew their Marriage vows but you need to have registered that you will be attending.
PARISH FETE – only a week away! Sunday 23rd June. We need HELPERS at 5pm on Saturday and early on Sunday morning for setting up stalls: also help is needed for clearing away stalls/gazebos after the Fete. Just turn up at these times and there’ll be something for you to do! Thanks. Please bring your contributions to put in the boxes in the porch or Presbytery from Wed – Friday. See insert/fliers on items required etc in the church porch. Raffle tickets are still on sale.
WINNER of the 150 Club for May was Kerry Harbord, winning £35.
OPEN EVENING at St John’s Catholic Infant School for past pupils, friends & families on Monday 24th June between 6 and 8pm. following the announcement of the amalgamation of it and St Thomas More Catholic Junior School: please bring a plate of food to share. Also on Monday 1st July at 6pm there will be an outdoor concert, barbecue and a picnic you are free to bring along. Details from 01603 626025 or email office@st-johns.norfolk.sch.uk Parking very limited.
AN INVITATION to all young people in Year 9 or aged 13 and above. Come to our main diocesan youth event celebrating the Year of Faith – the ‘Ignite Festival’ 29th – 30th June. Held at the Sacred Heart School Swaffham; with Christan rapper Guvna B, mime artist Steve Murray plus talks by Fr Christopher Jamison; Taizé prayer and plenty of time for relaxing and playing football! See fliers & poster.
LOOKING AHEAD: CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL in our Diocese is on Saturday 29th June at the Worship Centre, Bowthorpe, Norwich. Please see poster of the event.
World Youth Day ‘At Home’ – 26th-29th July: national event for young people aged 16+. For information go to www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
AUGUST DIOCESAN CAMPS at Eccles Hall, Norfolk: Junior Camp 8-14yrs
From Friday 23rd August till Monday 26th. Please see poster for details and contact Fr David for an application form.
“YEAR OF FAITH” – To profess our faith we have to try to identify what our faith means to us and be able to share it with others. Would you be willing to write a short account of what faith means to you, how you live out your life as a 21st Century Catholic Christian? Over the next seven months, contributions, anonymous or otherwise, could be included in this bulletin and perhaps these testimonies could be brought together to form a booklet at the end of the Year of Faith as a parish resource. Please keep contributions to around 400 words – please hand in at the presbytery.
MOBILE PHONES Please be sure your phones are switched off. Thank you.
PARISH SUPPORT GROUP – accessible on tel. no. 07501 265779 or via email pssacredheart@outlook.com
We pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including: Peter John Kelly, Catherine Elizabeth Bateman, William John (Jack) Price, Angela Mary Upton, Vera May Phipps, Margart Teresa Price, Elizabeth (Betty) Broom, Kathleen Margaret Elsdon and Mary Gurney.
May they rest in peace. Amen.