Dear Friends,
This Sunday the Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. It recognises Mary’s unique place in the history of salvation. As the mother of the Messiah she was a vital link in the chain of God’s plan to establish a new relationship with his people. But the feast is also about new life; in particular the new life of the Risen Christ. Baptism gives us entry into the Resurrection of Christ. We die to sin and rise to a new life as children of God. We are also given the promise of life after death – life with God in eternity. Mary has gone before us in a special way. We have to pass through the gateway of death in order to arrive at our destiny. The final outcome is, however, the same: to respond to the Lord’s invitation, ‘Come, you blessed of my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world’.
Father James
Thank you to all who have sent in their suggestions for a collective noun for bishops. Many of them were quite creative and some were not suitable for a wider audience! A ‘mitre of bishops’ is good; a ‘crook of bishops’ is open to misunderstanding! I liked ’a benignity of bishops’ but the first place went to ‘a benediction of bishops’.
Father Peter Brown will be coming to the parish for the last two Sundays in August to celebrate the weekend Masses. I know that you will give him a warm welcome.
There will be Benediction for the Feast of the Assumption at 3.00pm at the Sacred Heart Church. This is for the entire parish. Do come along.
Churches Together (NW) are organising a Safari Supper on Saturday 5th September, starting at 6.30 pm. Our church will be providing the dessert. Tickets for this event cost – adults £7.50; under 12s £5.00.
The annual Riverside Service – ”Songs of Praise” (arranged by the local churches) is at Hoveton Staithe on Sunday 30th August (the Bank Holiday weekend) at 3.30 pm. Do join us to boost our Christian witness. This is a service to which you can invite family and friends to come along. If it rains the service will move to St Helen’s.
The Senior Citizens Group will meet on Monday 17th August as usual. There will also be a Computer Workshop.
Fundraising for World Youth Day: today (Sunday) Kerry and Lauren will be having their stall of second hand books in the parish hall for people to take and make a donation. Please do support them.
Also today after Mass at North Walsham, Maureen and Antonia will again be continuing to sell off more of the items left over from the Fete. Do visit our stall – there will be considerable bargains on offer. The money raised from the Fete items will go towards the Organ Fund.
Fr Michael Johnstone is planning to take another group to Jamaica to work as volunteers with the Missionaries of the Poor. Anyone over 18 interested in finding out more and possibly joining – please contact him. The only cost is the fare, for which we will try to arrange sponsorship opportunities. To contact ring 01328 823586 or go to
A local author has written a book on The History of Worstead. It is priced at £9.99 with proceeds going to local charities. In the church porch at North Walsham there is a copy available for viewing. Please sign the list if you would like to order a copy.
Many of you may already know that Sarah Shippey from St John’s, Aylsham, will be marrying her fiancé Jason on Saturday 29th August in the Sacred Heart Church at 12noon. Carol and David Shippey are happy to invite parishioners after the service to join them in the parish hall for tea and cupcakes and to meet the happy couple.
Changes in next week’s Church timetable: please note from the back page of this newsletter that a number of Eucharistic services will replace the usual weekday Masses.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Sheila Chard, Audry Miller, Beernard Barulis, Barbara Jackson and Hilda Howard.
May they rest in peace.