Dear Friends,
Today’s gospel reading shows the dangers of personal ambition and envy. James and John are hoping for a privileged position in the kingdom of God not realising the cost that is involved. The other disciples are envious of their ambitions and resent their attempts and self-advancement. All of them needed to learn that to be a disciple of the Lord is not easy and comes with a cost.
Sacramental Preparation. We have now reached the stage when we can begin classes for children to prepare them for their First Holy Communion and young people for Confirmation. Enrolment forms will shortly be available.
Father James
At the Sacred Heart, North Walsham, all Masses both on Sundays and on weekdays (Tuesdays and Thursdays) are accessible from your computer or tablet. Simply click here, or go to the parish website and click on ‘Live Streaming’.
Next Sunday is World Mission Day and there will be a Second Collection for Missio (The Association for the Propagation of the Faith).
CAFOD Family Fast Day, (which was Friday 1st October) – Thank you so much for your donations of £1,336.90 to CAFOD on Family Fast Day: to this we can add a further £153. Your generous gifts will help people like Ivanilde in the Amazon to protect our common home. A reminder, you can add your voice to CAFOD’s petition calling on the Prime Minister to show leadership in tackling the climate crisis and find out more about how you can get involved by visiting
Refreshments of tea and coffee are now being served at each of our three churches following the Saturday/Sunday Mass. On the first Wednesday of the month at St Helen’s, following the 9.30am Mass, there will be refreshments of tea & coffee and home-made cakes or scones, all for £1.50. The proceeds go to local charities.
Fortnightly Bible Study at the Sacred Heart – the next meeting will be on Friday 22nd October at 2.30pm in the Committee Room. Topic: Forgiveness.
Minutes of the recently held PPC meeting, (on 7th September), are now available to read on church notice boards and can also be viewed on the parish website here in the section headed “Parish Life”: one or two hard copies are also available in church porches. We would urge parishioners to take an interest in the running of our parish and catch up on the latest details from these Minutes.
The time has come for election of Parish Pastoral Council representatives. Nomination forms are at the back of all three churches. Due to last year’s disruptions we are looking for two new representatives from each church. This is a vital service for your church community so please think prayerfully about whether you could contribute in this way to the life of the Parish.
Items for the newsletter will be most welcome, to be sent please by email ( by the Tuesday of the week, or if urgent, at the very latest by Wednesday, no later than 12noon.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Derek and Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley and Mary Carr.
We pray for Charlotte Drury, daughter of Simon and Veronique Cornish who died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time including: Margaret Griffith, John Barton, Ann Bailey, Frances Ablitt and Erwin Loska. May they rest in peace.