A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have a very enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk.. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our Sunday morning Masses and meet some of our parishioners.
Today is known as Low Sunday – the origin being that those baptised at the Easter Vigil would take off their white baptismal garments with which they had been presented at their Baptism. It is also know as Divine Mercy Sunday when we reflect upon all that we have celebrated over these past weeks – the infinite love of God in Jesus.
Congratulations to Keith Hartree, welcomed into the Church through the waters of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, and to Kate Gaunt who was received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at the same time and received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Fr David would like to express his thanks for the very generous collection taken at the Easter Sunday Masses.
You are welcome to take some of the newly blessed Easter Water home with you. Bring a small bottle with you when you are next at Mass in North Walsham.
N.B. There is No 9.30am Saturday morning Mass next Saturday, 13th April.
“WALK with ME” An Eastertide Journey of Prayer for 2013 is available. Take a copy and make a donation in the basket towards Alive Publishing’s work to prisoners and missionaries. An excellent booklet for the Easter Season.
May. Please put your names on the COACH LIST in the church porch as we need to know numbers for the size of coach. Cost £5 which will be collected before the day: bring a packed lunch. Please do make a special effort to join the pilgrimage: the theme for this year is “Women of Faith”. The coach will pick up from Hoveton at 9.30am; North Walsham at 9.50am and Aylsham at 10.15am – to arrive in Walsingham at 11.15am. The Programme of the Day is on the poster on the notice board.
SUPPORT CAMBODIA Friday 12th April at 7pm at St John of the Cross, Aylsham: A Cambodian-Style Mass to celebrate Khmer New Year. Fr Mark Hackeson will preside as Fr David will be in Rome: the Mass will be followed by light refreshments and an opportunity to meet other ‘Cambodian Supporters’ from the diocese and local area. Details: Katie Maidment on 01263 577784.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL meets on Thursday 11th April at 7.15 for 7.30pm in the Presbytery.
BIBLE STUDY GROUP continues with their study of Fr Robert Barron’s Book ‘Catholicism’, following the DVD which accompanies the book, on Friday 12th April in the parish hall from 2.30pm – 4.00pm. There will be another meeting on 26th.
ADULT CONFIRMATIONS will take place at Walsingham on Pentecost Sunday at 3pm (19th May). If anyone has missed out on this Sacrament and would like to be confirmed please speak to Fr David a.s.a.p.
CELEBRATE EAST ANGLIA Booking forms & Conference fees for this event should be sent in by this weekend, to ensure your place at this exciting spiritual experience!
ECUMENICAL CENTERING PRAYER The next Centering Prayer Meeting will be held at 25 Sendall Road, North Walsham (01692 402398) on Tuesday 23rd April at 2-3.30pm and NOT this week!
WORLD YOUTH DAY ‘AT HOME’ 26th – 29th July. National event for all young people aged 16+. With guest speakers, catechesis, live bands and a satellite link up to World Youth Day in Rio at the time of the Papal Mass, this is the best thing to being there! A group will be going from the diocese. For more information see www.catholiceastanglia.org/youth
QUIZ & CHIPS at St John’s Aylsham: Sat. 20th April at 6.30pm. Tickets £6 – on sale Sunday 7th April (names welcome as soon as possible owing to shortage of time). See Fran/Clare/Wendy/Debbie. Proceeds to ADF Roof Fund
“REPAIRING THE CHURCH” At this momentous time in our history, when our newly elected Jesuit Pope Francis calls us all to have courage to “Repair His Church”, you are all cordially invited to explore the REPAIRING of the Church in the Franciscan way with your local SECULAR FRANCISCAN FRATERNITY: they meet at 6.30pm on the third Wednesday of every month in the church hall of Holy Apostles Church, Earlham, Norwich.
In 1205, in the little ruined church of San Damiano, half a mile down the hill from Assisi, Francis implored the Lord to show him His Holy Will. The large Syrian Crucifix then spoke to him three times repeating the words, “Francis, repair My Church, for as you see, it is falling into ruin”.
Please contact Robert Hardie on 01603 897609 if you would like more details.
PAINTING COMPETITION – An Easter Scene Open to young people 12–18 years, from those in secondary education, members of youth/church/parish groups & individuals. Please see poster on notice board for details. Entries posted with details, to arrive not later that Friday 12th April.
We pray for Ronald Wilders who died on Holy Saturday: we remember in prayer his family and friends. His Funeral is on Tuesday (9th) at 3pm at St Helen’s. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including Maurice Allain, Franciszek (Frank) Dominikowski, Monica Rose Furlong and Eileen Codd.
May they rest in peace. Amen.