Dear Friends,
“To Forgive Is To Set A Prisoner Free And Discover That The Prisoner Was You.”
Our scripture readings today challenge us to imitate the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus. Our first reading from the Book of Ecclesiasticus reminds us that we have no right to ask the Lord to forgive us unless we are ready to forgive those who offend us. In the second reading, Paul reminds us that we have to forgive others because we belong to Christ who, by his own example in forgiving those who killed Him, taught us how we must forgive in our turn. Since we humans are related to each other as brothers and sisters of Jesus, we are in the family of God, so hatred and bitterness toward anyone should have no place in our hearts. In today’s Gospel, through the parable of the two debtors, Jesus teaches us that there should be no limit to our forgiveness and no conditions attached to our reconciliation. We represent the greater debtor in the parable because we commit sins every day and, hence, we need God’s forgiveness every day. But we must forgive in order to be forgiven. Jesus explains, after teaching us the prayer Our Father, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father also will forgive you.”
Father Peter
Today is Evangelii Gaudium Day. There is a Second Collection for Home Missions.
Next Sunday is the Solemnity of Our Lady of Walsingham, Principal Patron of the Diocese.
Counters. Please note, the first of 4 Mass Counts will be taken this weekend.
SVP East Anglia is holding 2 open Festival days, on 30th September in Norwich and 1st October in Newmarket. If anyone would like to come along to find out more about the SVP please contact for more details.
Faithful Flames on Sunday, from 10.30am., for all children, now held in the presbytery conservatory after first all meeting up with Kerry outside the church. To support this group and Kerry’s enthusiastic and excellent work, come to a Cake Sale on Sunday 1st Oct. If children would like to help sell the cakes after Mass they are most welcome to do so. Why not bake some themselves for the sale!
Volunteers for Faithful Flames are needed, to help with the sessions on Sundays. It can be every Sunday or once a month but any help would be greatly appreciated. Pl speak to Kerry on mobile 07504048352.
Notes on the Forum, held at North Walsham after Sunday Mass on 3rd September, are now available in the church porch for parishioners to read.
NB. Social Committee meets 25th Sept. in the presbytery at 7.30pm
CAFOD Harvest Lunch – Saturday 7th October, 1pm. at St John of the Cross. “Soups & Puddings” – a fundraising lunch to support Family Fast Day appeal. Please sign the sheet at the back of the church by end of September if you would like to join us. Thank you.
Annual Shoebox Appeal. May we have your shoeboxes, please! Although a fair while before Christmas — preparation, such as covering said boxes (to save time), collecting appropriate items for the age groups etc. –all need to start early. Just bring the boxes to your church and they will be collected.
Delia would like to record her appreciation to Fr Peter Raj and to everyone for their kind thoughts, prayers & Masses on the recent death of her daughter, Stella. Also to Pauline, who for such a long a time has been so thoughtful for her wellbeing. Thank you.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Celia Cooper, Michael Haughton, Marie Barton, Gerry Francis, Robert Buhagiar, Margaret Larkins, Daphne Necchi, Bert Pooler, Maria Halsey, Shirley Teague, Joan Macnamara and Richard Skelton.
We pray for Theresa McGuire who has recently died and for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Margaret Griffith, John Barton, Ann Bailey, Frances Ablitt and Erwin Loska.
May they rest in peace.