Dear Parishioners,
“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine”.
On this Fourth and Last Advent Sunday before the Feast of Christmas, we are renewed in the blessings of one of the perennial promises of God in the Holy Scripture that He will always be with us for ever and ever (Deut 31: v8). This promise He has continued to manifest in His dealings with us. I pray that God will remain with and for you, now and always; Amen.
Fr Peter
Christmas Day is a Day of Obligation.
Christmas Eve
Family Mass: Sacred Heart, North Walsham at 6.00pm.
Midnight Mas: St John of the Cross, Aylsham at 9.00pm
Christmas Day
St Helen, Hoveton: 9.00am
Sacred Heart North Walsham: 11.00am
The Collection taken at these Christmas Masses is the traditional Christmas gift to your priest. Any regular Sunday collection envelopes for Parish Funds should be held until the following weekend.
Parish Carol Service is this afternoon (18th) at 3pm in the Sacred Heart Church. This is for everyone. A further opportunity to come together in celebration, to listen to the Word of God and sing carols. Do come and fill the church. Refreshments including wine and mince pies will be served after the service. There is an open invitation to families and friends.
Important notice. Any parishioner who has Foundation Masses arranged annually in our parish, please contact the parish office (email or by phone) or Fr Peter with the details.
First Holy Communion. We will be starting our New First Holy Communion classes during this month of December. Parents and children from the age of 7yrs, wishing to register, please complete registration forms at the back of the church and give to Fr Peter.
RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) meetings for those adults seeking to become members of the Catholic Church or wishing to know more about the faith, will be starting this month.
From our twinned parish, St Francis Xavier, Cambodia: Fr Greg Priyadi has sent a request for prayers: 1) For the victims of the earthquake in Indonesia. 2) For the 9 students preparing for final exams. 3) For 4 students who will be baptised at Christmas.
Please try to send a Christmas card to our twinned parish, even though the last posting date was 7th December, it will still get there before Epiphany! Address: Catholic Church, Road 4, #53 Krom 12, Phum Sophy, Khum Kompong Svay, Srei Sisophon, Banteay Meanchey Province, CAMBODIA.
There will be no meeting of the 4th Wednesday Club at St Helen’s in December; our next meeting will be on 25th January 2023.
Church Flower arrangers are extremely grateful for your contributions towards the flowers and decorations for our churches over Christmas. Please continue to donate. Thank you.
We pray for our sick parishioners: Gerry Francis, Matt Butler, Frances Palman, Mary Bell, Monica Hawley, Mary Carr, Paul Watson, Cyril Shenton, Patricia Newton, Pat Durrant, Celia Cooper, Barbara Laws, Michael Haughton, and Marie Barton.
We pray for Helga Wright, recently deceased, and for those whose anniversaries occur this week: Irene Brown, Brian Barby, Molly Harland, Bridget Bennett, Bertha (Teddy) Palmer, Alice Taylor, Richard Barrett, Doreen Clark, Juliette (Nan) Davies and Mary Dawes. May they rest in peace.