A WARM WELCOME TO ANY VISITORS who may be with us this weekend, staying with family and friends or just here on holiday: we hope you have an enjoyable time here in beautiful North Norfolk. You are welcome to stay for coffee after our weekend Masses and meet some of our parishioners.
THE ROSARY (North Walsham) The Rosary is said at 10.30am prior to Mass during the Sundays of May. Those who would like to lead the Rosary please sign the list in the porch. There are similar arrangements for Aylsham & Hoveton. Leaflets on how to pray the Rosary are available – 30p each; proceeds to Cambodia.
Sadly we have to say goodbye to Father David this weekend. To the parish this is no ordinary farewell to a parish priest; he has been and is a quite exemplary ‘shepherd to his flock’ and we have been exceedingly blessed to have had him as our parish priest. We can only thank him from our hearts and promise that our prayers go with him for his future ministries. Please join us in the hall for a shared lunch (Sunday -12noon)) and the opportunity to say farewell to Father David.
There is a book being passed around in which parishioners can leave a few thoughts, prayers, best wishes, etc. for Father to have as a ‘momento’ from the parish. As this is at such short notice and perhaps requires a little thought beforehand, we will hold on to it so as not to miss anyone and send the book on to him when he is in his new parish at Diss in mid-August.
SENIOR CITIZENS’ GROUP meets on Monday 19th May: am. Computer Workshop; pm. “Philomena” – a DVD lent by Kathleen Hartree will be shown.
QUIZ & CHIPS at St John of the Cross, Aylsham – Saturday 24th May at 6.30pm. Tickets £6 – proceeds to Roof Fund; numbers by Sun 18th May please.
CHILDREN’S PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM is on Tuesday 27th May, during the school half-term holiday. Procession from the village starts at 10.45am: Mass is at 12noon in the Chapel of Reconciliation followed by a picnic in the meadows. Hopefully the day ends on the beach at nearby Wells-Next-The -Sea. There is no coach as many wish to travel in their own cars.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Minutes of the PPC Meeting of 6th February are now on the website and on the notice boards in each church.
AYLSHAM ROTARY CLUB SPONSORED WALK on Sunday 8th June. Several parishioners will be walking for Support Cambodia: if you would like to take part or provide sponsorship please speak to Bob Maidment on 01263 577784.
FOODBANKS News from both North Walsham’s and Aylsham’s Foodbanks plus lists of the items most needed at present are on church notice boards. Gratitude is expressed by the Cromer & District Foodbank Donations Coordinator for our church communities being particularly good at responding to the items most needed.
PARISH PHOTOGRAPHERS: The Parish Pastoral Council would like to improve the photographic record of parish events. If you have any photographs which you think may enhance our records please send them to John Bolger – bolger@waitrose.com
Also If you would be willing to join a very small group to photograph future happenings please contact Michael Hawley – mhawley@mfhawley.plus.com The aim is to have one photographer from each community at each event, so the group should not be too overworked!
MISSION TEAM LEADER The Diocesan Youth Service wishes to appoint a Mission Team Leader: this is a fulltime residential position. Closing date for applications is 26th May. For information/application pack please go to www.catholiceastanglia and click on the Mission Team link.
FOUR NEW MYSTERY PLAYS at Bergh Apton Church, Norfolk on Saturday 24th May & Sundays 1st & 8th June. Bookings to be made in advance – email: mysteryplay@berghapton.org.uk or ring 01508 480696. For information go to www.facebook.com/berghaptonmysteryplays
“IGNITE” CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL – for all young people of secondary school age to young adults: takes place at Sacred Heart School, Swaffham on the 12th -13th July. Details on www.ignitefestival.co.uk
CELEBRATING ST FURSEY at St Mary’s Church, Aldeby on Saturday 14th June at 2.00pm. Please see poster for details: bookings and enquiries to 01502 678229 or dorothybutler832@btinternet.com
DIOCESAN CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE St John’s Cathedral, Norwich on Saturday 21st June at 11.00am; details to follow shortly.
TEACHING POST: St Alban’s Catholic High School, Ipswich Chaplain required from September 2014. Please visit www.catholiceastanglia.org
ADMISSIONS to St Francis of Assisi RC Primary School for September 2015. In order to be placed in the category “Baptised Roman Catholic Children” children should be baptised before July 31st 2014. If baptised after this date they will be placed in a separate lower category. For more information tel. 01603 441484 or email: office@st-francisofassisi.norfolk.sch.uk
We pray for Ann Harvey who died this last week and remember her family and friends. We pray also for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time, including John McGuinn, Jean Margaret Gradon-Carter, Mary Sparks, Winifred (Win) Laura Armes, Elizabeth (Rosemary) Walmsley, John Francis Howell, Florence Marie Gasper and Carmell Angela Larter.
May they rest in peace. Amen.